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Friction stabilizes saddle packings

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1 Friction stabilizes saddle packings
Prof. Corey S. O’Hern Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science Department of Applied Physics Department of Physics Yale University DTRA BRBAA08-H , Duration: to NSF-DMR , Duration: to NSF-MRSEC , Duration: to

2 single grain `Material’ > 1m Material properties  grain properties Structure & interactions between grains will determine material properties

3 What is the characteristic μ* above which static packings transition
2d bidisperse μ* What is the characteristic μ* above which static packings transition from frictionless to frictional? Does this crossover depend on N? Is frictional jamming similar to frictionless jamming? L. Silbert, “Jamming of frictional spheres and random loose packing,” Soft Matter 6 (2010) 2918

4 small μ; <z>=4; ϕJ~0.84
large μ; <z>~3; ϕJ~0.76

5 Contact Interactions  =2 Total potential energy ij overlapped
non-overlapped =2 ij Total potential energy

6 Potential Energy Landscape (PEL)
shrink grow Local minimum Mechanically stable packing Degenerate minima Mechanically stable packing overlapped non-overlapped

7 Frictionless Granular Packings
Amorphous Vanishing overlaps Isostatic: Nc = dN - d + 1 Force balance Mechanically stable 1.4 Jammed packing: J, zJ, V ~ P ~ 0

8 {ϕ, } 20 distinct isostatic MS packings with 11 (9) contacts N/2 large, N/2 small with diameter ratio σL/σS=1.4

9 Classification of Packings
Distance matrix particles i, j Second invariant All particle pairs, or only those in contact

10 Distance Matrix for Frictionless Packings
6 8

11 Frictionless Packing Probabilities: N=6
LS MD S. S. Ashwin, J. Blawzdziewicz, C. S. O’Hern, & M. D. Shattuck,PRE 85 (2012)

12 P(μ=0,z=4)=1; <z>(0)=4 P(μ=∞,z=3)=1; <z>(∞)=3
What is P(z,μ)? Describe in terms of saddles of frictionless states. P(μ=0,z=4)=1; <z>(0)=4 P(μ=∞,z=3)=1; <z>(∞)=3 C. Song, P. Wang, & H. A. Makse, Nature 453 (2008) 629

13 Cundall-Strack Model for Friction


15 Cundall-Strack Packings for N=6
. lines

16 Packings of frictional particles are saddle packings
of frictionless particles Saddle number Nc Nc=2N-1 . 1 1 μ . . N/2-1 N/2-1 Nc=3/2N

17 Probability for Nc contacts for N=6 Cundall-Strack Packings

18 Monte-Carlo plus Compression
Grow to 1st contact Move each particle randomly Grow to 1st contact

19 Double-sided Spring Method
isostatic Nc=11 Saddle 1 Nc=10 Ns x Nc saddle 1 Ns x Nc x (Nc-1)/2 saddle 2 double-sided . .



22 Which saddles are populated at a given friction coefficient μ?
Determine μmin for each saddle packing

23 3N

24 2Nc variables > 3N equations 2Nc – 3N = dimension of nullspace Use eigenvectors as basis. All linear combinations of eigenvectors. Find mu_min in this space. Do not allow invalid solutions.

25 Geometrical Family #1 CS packings μmin L

26 Volume of null space for 1st order saddles
Vn (μ) ~ μ6 V(μ) = # of valid solutions with μ>μmin # of valid solutions

27 Lr ~ μ r Length of line where mu>mu_min for each 1st order saddle.

28 Am/A0=5^m (C^m_{2N-1})^2.5 m+Nm-N0=1.3 m



31 Conclusions Understand properties of frictional packings in terms
saddle packings of frictionless particles 2. Can predict μ* (e.g. max |dz/dμ|) and show that crossover is only weakly dependent on system size. 3. Analogies to calculations of vanishing diffusion coefficient for dense hard-sphere liquids as ϕ approaches ϕJ

32 μ=10-3 μ=1

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