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Stage Craft LO: to identify aspects of stagecraft

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1 Stage Craft LO: to identify aspects of stagecraft
To be able to evaluate elements of stagecraft

2 Stage craft Below is a list of the elements of stage craft:
The set – modern playwrights often give detailed information and reflect their interpretation. (see History Boys) Props – may have symbolic significance Stage directions – can be related to appearance/personalities of characters but also their actions and movements Costume – can be used to reflect character Lighting, music and sound effects –can be used to reflect mood and reinforce what is happening. Performance and interpretation – the way actors and Directors will shape meaning and effect. Definitions of each

3 Task Analyse the play you have been given, noting the way in which the playwrights provide direction on the elements of stagecraft. Extra challenge: how does this compare with The Tempest?

4 Be The Director Write a short essay in which you explain how as a director you would stage the opening scene of the play you are studying. Due Monday 20th February.

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