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Welcome to Holly Springs Elementary

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1 Welcome to Holly Springs Elementary
Bucket Buddies

2 About us We live in Canton G.A the peach state. We go to Holly Springs Elementary! We have over 90 students in Mrs. Gwinn’s 3 classes. If it wasn't for them we wouldn’t have been able to do Bucket Buddies. You have to keep in mind we did Bucket Buddies in the Fall.

3 Hypotheses Will we find the same organisms in our water samples as schools in other areas? We think many of the samples will be the same since we are all looking at organisms in the fall.

4 What We Found *On the next slide there are pictures of what we found*
We found 6 mosquito larva, 200 water mites, 2 water spiders, 1 unknown creature with a heartbeat, 6 tadpoles, 2 frogs, Seaweed, and Sea pods 1 blood worm 20 water beetles *On the next slide there are pictures of what we found*

5 baby tadpoles Mosquito larvea water spider Mama frog Water mites

6 Other things we found were........
Water beetles Water leeches A blood worm Most of the plant life, we thought it looked like sea weed

7 In This Unit We Learned About……….
We learned about microorganisms and cells We have studied about this unit for quite awhile It was fun I hope you enjoy it too! 

8 Hypotheses Answer Our hypothesis was true. When we looked at data around the world we had many of the same organisms but some we did not. We think it is due to climate and temperature of the different water sources.

9 Thank you For Watching  

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