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Evolution: Change Over Time

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution: Change Over Time"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution: Change Over Time

2 Evolution: _________________ in the _________ ____________________________.
There are two kinds of evolution:

3 ________: _________________ to another new species
________: _________________ to another new species. In this theory, there are ____________________ of the species. Example: horses

4 _______________________: _____________ ___________________ of just a few genes in __________________________. Examples: anti-biotic resistant bacteria, Viruses/Colds, Flu

5 Populations can have ____________
_____________: the appearance of an __________________ that makes an individual different from other members of the same species

6 Adaptation An ________________ is a feature that is common in a _____________ because it provides some _______________ and are produced by ________________________. Bats usually feed by catching insects at night. Bats locate insects by giving off high-frequency sounds as they fly. These sounds bounce off insects and return to the bat. Echolocation in bats is an adaptation for catching insects.

7 Camouflage & Mimicry Allows organisms to _________________ ________________ in order to ________ ____________________________

8 Camouflage A floral mantid on a flower.
a narrow-headed frog native to Madagascar. The frog's brown and yellow coloring, as well as its rough texture, allow it to blend in with the mud and tree trunks in its environment Camouflage A floral mantid on a flower.

9 John Baptiste de Lamarck
Hypothesized that __________________ _____________ and that ______________ ___________________ from the species. _____________________ Inheritance of acquired characteristics

10 Charles Darwin Hypothesized that individuals _______________ _________________ survived and passed on these traits to their offspring. Also known as the ______________________________ ______________________________”. (means that only organisms with the _____________________________ __________________ are more likely to survive. …and therefore pass on those traits)

11 Darwin’s Voyage


13 —Charles Darwin from "The Origin of Species"
I have called this principle, by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved, by the term Natural Selection.   —Charles Darwin from "The Origin of Species"

14 Publishes “______________” presented later in 1858 (32 years after then end of his voyage) and published 1st in 1859

15 Observation 1 Species have ____ _______________ _______________
Populations would _______________ _______________ if all individuals survived and reproduced

16 Observation 2 But populations ______________ _____________, except for seasonal fluctuations

17 Observation 3 Environmental _______________ _______________

18 Observation 4 Individuals in a population ____ _____________

19 Observation 5 Much of this _______________ _______________ Fig 1.3b

20 1) Organisms ____________________________ ________________________________________
2) _____________________ among individuals of a species. 3) Some variations enable members of a population to survive and reproduce better than others. ____________________ ___________________________ 4) Over time, offspring of individuals with ________________________________________ ________________________________________.


22 Natural Selection . There is __________ in traits.
Evolution by ________________ as an outcome.

____________________ STRUCTURES ____________________ STRUCTURE ____________________ BIOCHEMISTRY

24 Evidences behind this theory
Fossils—any _________________ from an earlier time and the most abundant evidence for evolution _________________________ contains the most fossils and is formed from mud, sand, and other fine particles

25 Formation of a Fossil Dead organisms are buried by layers of sediment, which forms new rock. The preserved remains may later be discovered and studied. Water carries small rock particles to lakes and seas.

26 _______________ —looking at where the rock is located
_______________ —looking at where the rock is located. ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________. This method only provides an ___________ age of a fossil.

27 __________________________ —measuring how a radioactive element in the fossil (like Carbon or Uranium) has decayed.

28 Prehistoric termites trapped in amber
Lizard in Amber Frog in Amber

29 Homologous Structures —body parts that are _____________________ __________________________________.
Example: arms, dolphin fin, bat wing, bird wing


31 Vestigial Structures —a body part that is ___________________________________________________________. Examples: human appendix, wisdom teeth and muscles that are for moving the ears.

32 Pelvic Bones in Whales

33 Embryology —study of the ________________ ________________ (an organism in its earliest stages of development). Examples: gills and tailbones in humans                

34 What similarities do you see between these embryos?

35 __________________ —the closer the DNA sequences are in organisms, the more closely related they are. Example: DNA has shown that dogs are the closest relatives of bears. Human’s closest relatives are from the ape family. Cousins?

36 Example: Humans are most closely related (99.9%) to _________________.

37 Artificial Selection The process of intentional or unintentional _________________________ ________________________ which encourage the breeding of certain traits over others Also known as _________ ________________________

38 Artificial Selection Examples: ________ ___________________


40 The Case of the Peppered Moths
______________________ Pollution darkened tree trunks Camouflage of moths increases survival from predators ______________________ caused a shift away from _________________ ______________________ ______________________

41 Modes of Natural Selection

42 Types of Selection: Directional
_________________ Shift in allele frequency in a ______ __________________

43 Types of Selection: Stabilizing
______________________________ ________________ ________________ Alleles that specify ________________ ________________ from a population

44 Types of Selection: Disruptive
____________________________ Both forms at _______________ _______________ Intermediate forms are ____________


46 Original Population Descendants Founding Population A
Founding Population B

_____________ GENETIC DRIFT _____________ _____________

48 Endosymbiotic Theory Plants and plantlike protists Aerobic bacteria
Chloroplast Ancient Prokaryotes Nuclear envelope evolving Photosynthetic bacteria Mitochondrion Primitive Photosynthetic Eukaryote Ancient Anaerobic Prokaryote Primitive Aerobic Eukaryote Animals, fungi, and non-plantlike protists

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