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Freedom and Responsibility
YEAR 5 Reconciliation Freedom and Responsibility
Experiences, feelings and ideas Art/Images/Artefacts
Scripture Sacraments Christian Beliefs Hymns Prayers/Tradition Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Experiences, feelings and ideas Art/Images/Artefacts
Freedom and Responsibility LF1 /2/3/4 Commandments
Scripture Exodus 20:1-17 Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Mark12:28-31 Isaiah 58:3-8 Sacraments Eucharist – Lord I am not worthy .. Christian Beliefs Faith in God’s healing powers of love and forgiveness– mind , body, soul. Ask and you will receive Faith in God’s law Hymns Lay your hands Spirit of the living God Prayers/Tradition Sign of Peace Sacrament of Reconciliation Our Father – “ Thy will be done….and lead us not into temptation” Year 5 – Reconciliation Freedom and Responsibility LF1 /2/3/4 Commandments Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Compassion Love Faith Prayer Mercy Forgiveness Experiences, feelings and ideas Have you ever broken the rules? How did it affect you? How did it affect others? How did you put it right? Art/Images/Artefacts
Year 5 – Reconciliation Freedom and Responsibility LF5-The Beatitudes
Scripture Matthews 5:1-12 The sermon on the Mount Matthew 5:44-48 John 10:10 Life to the Full Sacraments Reconciliation Christian Beliefs God love is for everyone. Following God’s way brings happiness. God is close to those who are suffering. Our own love should be for everyone- even our enemies. Hymns Blessed are my people Be not afraid Prayers/Tradition Year 5 – Reconciliation Freedom and Responsibility LF5-The Beatitudes Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Happiness Service Charity Generosity Self-Giving Trust Experiences, feelings and ideas What Beatitude speaks to you most and why? Is one more important than the other? How can people who mourn be happy? Art/Images/Artefacts
Freedom and Responsibility LF 6 God is loving and merciful
Scripture 46Amos Matthew 5:23-24 Amos 5:14-15 Sacraments Sacrament of Reconciliation Eucharist – Penitential rite ‘Lord I am not worthy’ Christian Beliefs That we are all sinners but redeemed by God’s love and mercy through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Christians are called to reflect upon their behaviour and make amends. Christians must be truly ‘sorry’ for their sins Hymns Freely freely Father I have sinned God of mercy (Bernadette Farrell) Prayers/Tradition Examination of conscience Penitential rite Act of Contrition Sign of Peace Words of absolution Year 5 – Reconciliation Freedom and Responsibility LF 6 God is loving and merciful Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Compassion Love Justice Equality Tolerance No prejudice Experiences, feelings and ideas When have you made bad choices How does it feel when you make the wrong choice? How does it affect you? How does it affect others? How did you put it right? How did you feel? What helps you to keep trying to do better? Art/Images/Artefacts
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