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Harvard University Established (1636)

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1 Harvard University Established (1636)
Mastering Chemistry #9 – Due Tomorrow by 11:59 Chapter 2 #’s 79-92,99,100, ,112,114,119,120 You’ll need table 2.4 on page 33 for #’s 107 and 108 Many of the values in these questions will not match the book about 2.5 hours Extra Practice Print out and BRING TO CLASS Conversion Sheet In class problems Exam next Wednesday

2 Converting between volumes and areas
What is the volume of a cm3 container in m3? (1 cm = 1x10-2 m)3 1 cm = 1x10-2 m

3 Converting between volumes and areas
Square or cube the original “length” conversions ft  in ft2  in2 ft3  in3

4 Converting between volumes and areas
What is the volume of a cm3 container in m3? When converting from one cubic unit to another, you MUST cube the conversion factors!

5 Converting between volumes and areas
My apartment is ft2, how many square miles is it? “Game plan” -- ft2 “Game plan” -- ft2  mi2 “Game plan” --

6 Converting between volumes and areas
My apartment is ft2, how many square miles is it? (1 mi = 5280 ft)2 1 mi = 5280 ft  1 mi2 = ft2

7 Converting between volumes and areas
What is the volume (in ft3) of a 22.7 m3 room? “Game plan” -- m3 “Game plan” -- “Game plan” -- m3  cm3 “Game plan” -- m3  cm3  in3 “Game plan” -- m3  cm3  in3  ft3

8 Converting between volumes and areas
What is the volume (in ft3) of a 22.7 m3 room? “Game plan” -- m3 “Game plan” -- m3  cm3  in3 “Game plan” -- “Game plan” -- m3  cm3 “Game plan” -- m3  cm3  in3  ft3 (1x10-2 m = 1 cm)3 1x10-2 m = 1 cm  1x10-6 m3 = 1 cm3 (1 in = 2.54 cm)3 1 in = 2.54 cm  1 in3 = cm3 (1 ft = 12 in)3 1 ft = 12 in  1 ft3 = 1728 in3

9 Conversions My bottle of Diet Pepsi contains 710 mL. What is the volume in fluid ounces? (128 fl. oz. = 1 gal, 1 L = gal) “Game plan” -- mL  L “Game plan” -- mL “Game plan” -- “Game plan” -- mL  L  gal “Game plan” -- mL  L  gal  fl. oz. What do I know? 1 mL = 1x10-3 L, 128 fl. oz. = 1 gal, 1 L = gal

10 Conversions Convert 3.81 mm  ft “Game plan” -- mm  m
“Game plan” -- mm  m  cm  in  ft “Game plan” -- mm “Game plan” -- “Game plan” -- mm  m  cm  in “Game plan” -- mm  m  cm What do I know? 1 mm = 1x10-3 m, 1 cm = 1x10-2 m, 1 in = cm, 12 in = 1 ft

11 Conversions It takes roughly minutes for the light from the Sun to reach the Earth. If light travels at x1010 cm per second, what is the distance in km from the Sun to the Earth? What do I know? 1 s = x1010 cm, 1 km = 1x103 m, cm = 1x10-2 m, 1 in = cm, 60s = 1 min

12 Conversions Florence Griffith-Joyner holds the women’s 100.m world
record, finishing in seconds. What was her speed in miles per hour? (1 mile = 5280 ft)

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