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Literacy – Talk4writing Journalism and reporting Abacus Maths;

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Presentation on theme: "Literacy – Talk4writing Journalism and reporting Abacus Maths;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Literacy – Talk4writing Journalism and reporting Abacus Maths;
1 Written Calculations 2 Solving number problems 3 Preparation for SATs Science – Let it Shine – the science of light Cracking Comprehension – how to infer a writers intentions PSHE Living in the Wider World: Culture and money skills PE – Applying Physical Skills RE – Hinduism beliefs and practices SaturnCurriculum Overview – Spring History - Why should we thank the Ancient Greeks? Computing– We are “We are Network Technicians” Learning the workings of the web DT – designing and making bridges Homework – Reading (daily), Maths (Mon) Science (weds), Literacy (Fri) MFL – French, “Portraits” – Improving our pronunciation and conversation skills

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