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Ben Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac

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1 Ben Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac

2 WITH A PARTNER: Poor Richard’s Almanac--Match the saying with its meaning
___ People will steal from you if you don’t watch them. ___ Don’t buy more than you need. ___ Be what you appear. Don’t be fake. ___ You don’t gain anything without working. ___ Do a good job; don’t just say you will. ___ People who stay too long get on your nerves. ___ Tell the truth. ___ Don’t complain or people won’t like you. ___ Prevent or stop yourself from a bad habit first. ___ Always do something and you’ll get better all the time. Saying: From 172 “A rolling stone gathers no moss.” “Buy what thou hast no need of and before long you will sell your necessities.” “Fish and visitors smell in three days.” “Honesty is the best policy.” “No gains without pains.” “Not to oversee workmen is to leave your purse open.” “The worst wheel makes the most noise.” “Tis easier to prevent bad habits than to break them.” “Well done is better than well said.” “What you seem to be, be really.”

3 Poor Richard’s Almanac Figurative Language
Decide if each of the following sayings is a simile (only 1) (comparison with like, than, or as), metaphor (only 3) (comparison without like or as), or paradox (only 3) (saying that sounds contradictory but is also somehow true). Use M for metaphor, S for simile, P for paradox. ____ “A rolling stone gathers no moss.” ____ “Fish and visitors smell in three days.” ____ “No gains without pains.” ____ “The worst wheel makes the most noise.” ____ “Well done is better than well said.” ____ “An empty bag cannot stand upright.” ____ “He that cannot follow, cannot lead.”

4 Make your own “Poor Richard’s Booklet”
Take one piece of paper and fold it in fours to make a booklet. Staple the folded side and then cut the folded top or bottom edge. Then, pick six sayings you like from Poor Richard or aphorisms from other authors. Write them at the top of the page like this, and revamp and explain! Also, make a title for your booklet. Include artwork or illustrations. Use quotation marks correctly with end marks. (Period goes inside or to the left of the quotes.) Be sure to introduce the speaker of each quote. Each page is worth 5 pts. daily work. Put in effort! Poor Richard says, “A fight would end faster if only one person was wrong.” Grumpy Gus says, “A fight would end faster if one person hits the other with a roundhouse kick.” Poor Richard says, “Most dumb people think they are just uniformed.” Grumpy Gus says, “Most people are just dumb.” Left hand side of booklet when opened. Right hand side of booklet when opened.

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