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Standards-Based eGovernment Procurement Systems

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Presentation on theme: "Standards-Based eGovernment Procurement Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Standards-Based eGovernment Procurement Systems
Standards-Based eGovernment Procurement Systems Opportunities and Priorities Eduardo Talero

2 Agenda Electronic Government Procurement (eGP) Why standards?
Standards and eGP Standards/FOSS and agile system development MDBs can help Closing thoughts

3 What is eGP?

4 Logframe of eGP eGP System Leadership/ Human Resources TRANSPA-RENCY
SYNERGY ECONOMY EFFICIENCY TRANSPA-RENCY Governance Leadership/ Human Resources Institutional Change Technology Financing User Support Facilities Transaction Facilities Disclosure Facilities Integration Facilities eGP System The framework through which e—GP is conceptualized and implemented involves the classic elements of project design, namely a set of outputs, which in this case are several types of facilities working together as a system, Click here for animation! Inputs, in the form of governance, leadership and human resource development, institutional change, technology and of course financing. And expected Impacts, in the form of increased public sector procurement transparency, efficiency, economy, and synergy.

5 Why Standards for eGP?

6 How Standards can help eGP
Enhance B2G/G2G connectivity and interoperability Generate trust in electronic experience Enhance competition and inclusion Enhance efficiency and flexibility of public procurement function Enhance cooperation and transparency Facilitate evolution and innovation Increase return, reliability of investments Avoid vendor lock-in

7 Privacy fears are not completely unreasonable…
Personal information records compromised by security breaches in the U.S. since January 2005 exceeds 255 million ( accessed March 9, 2009. Revealed: 8 million victims in the world's biggest cyber heist Cloud computing lets Feds read your Hacker clones a valid CA certificate from and MD5-based SSL certificate using a Playstation 3. ( Technology Review, March/April 2009, pg. 86) Internet wiretapping Bugging the cloud UK's Revenue and Customs loses 25 million customer records 7

8 Standards Categories most relevant to eGP
Type of Standard Examples Interoperability HTTP, WS-I Profiles, RNIF, IFX Registration UDDI, DUNS, ebXML Registry Identification UN-SPSC, GTIN, LDAP, X500, ISO 7501 Web Services WS*, WSDL, JSR-168 Security HTTPS, ISO 17999, ISO 28000, WSS, X509 (PXIX) OSSTMM Reliability HTTP-R, WS-R Communication, Messaging IPS (TCP/IP), SOAP, ebMS, ISO 15489, SWIFT, ODF, PDF, ISO 20022 Interpretation ISO/IEC 7816, DSDL,UBL ebXML CC, RELAX-NG Collaboration ebXML, WSCI, RN/PIPS BPM, Workflow BPMN, BPEL,WS-C Legal UNCITRAL Model laws, EU Directives IT Service Management ISO/IEC 20000

9 ePurchasing eReverse Bidding eTendering
DIFFERENT STANDARDS FOR DIFFERENT PHASES OF eGP SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT Interoperability/Collaboration Workflow SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT FACILITIES Web Services ePurchasing eReverse Bidding eTendering Reliability TRANSACTION FACILITIES Security ePayments Registration Identification DISCLOSURE FACILITIES Communication

10 Use of Open Standards/Open Source by 14 leading eGP governments*
7 use proprietary development platforms. Other 7 (6 in Asia) use J2EE Only 4 use Linux, 2 of them in EU Only 4 use Apache, the rest use proprietary web servers 7 use MySQL, most others Oracle. No one says to allow ODF documents. Only 6 use UNSPSC. Only 4 use XML, and only one uses ebXML for interoperable electronic business Only 4 use SOAP, 3 use UDDI, only 1 uses WSDL and none use BPEL, WS-Security, WSCI (so much for SOAs). Most use digital certificates and asymmetrical encription for authentication. *Argentina, Australia (State of New South Wales), Brazil, Chile, Finland, Hong Kong, India (Indian Railways), Italy, Mexico, Norway, Romania, Singapore, South Korea, The Philippines

11 Standards / FOSS and agile system development

12 Short Timeline For E-governance System Development & deployment
Develop Detailed Project Proposal Develop Detailed Project Proposal Develop Detailed Project Proposal Develop Detailed Project Proposal Develop Detailed Project Proposal Develop Detailed Project Proposal Develop Detailed Project Proposal 10 months Specify System and Hire Developers Specify System and Hire Developers Specify System and Hire Developers Specify System and Hire Developers Specify System and Hire Developers Specify System and Hire Developers 10 months Develop system and deploy pilot Develop system and deploy pilot Develop system and deploy pilot Develop system and deploy pilot Develop system and deploy pilot Develop system and deploy pilot 14 months 14 months 14 months Rollout System Rollout System Rollout System Rollout System 7 months Operate system with resident support 6 months Operate system with resident support Operate system with resident support 6 months Operate system with resident support Operate system with resident support 6 months 6 months 6 months Y1 Y2 Y4 Y3 Y3

13 The Typical Resulting System Today…
Limited Configurability Limited Interoperability with other vendor systems CORE OF SYSTEM IS A BLACK BOX Effective monopoly pricing for new licenses Vendor lock-in

14 An agile system development strategy based on open standards and open source*
INTERFACE INTERFACE INTERFACE INTERFACE INTERFACE DATA DATA DATA LOGIC The framework through which e—GP is conceptualized and implemented involves the classic elements of project design, namely a set of outputs, which in this case are several types of facilities working together as a system, Click here for animation! Inputs, in the form of governance, leadership and human resource development, institutional change, technology and of course financing. And expected Impacts, in the form of increased public sector procurement transparency, efficiency, economy, and synergy. LOGIC LOGIC LOGIC * Proposed in essence by ICT Agency of Sri Lanka ( I1 I2 I3 I4

15 IMAGINE: industrial-strength eGovernance systems that are also easy to change, interoperable, social, knowledge-oriented, community-driven… LOGIC INTERFACE DATA Joined-up government Transaction wizards Discussion groups Community advice Personalized interface Workflow wizards Single sign-on Online support User profiles Customer content (wikis) Customer ratings Customer usage history Sponsored content Transaction history Model documents Specification templates Secure all-electronic transactions S/P/R Supply-chain automation Grievance management Workflow management Business collaboration Business intelligence Business process automation Social networking/learning The framework through which e—GP is conceptualized and implemented involves the classic elements of project design, namely a set of outputs, which in this case are several types of facilities working together as a system, Click here for animation! Inputs, in the form of governance, leadership and human resource development, institutional change, technology and of course financing. And expected Impacts, in the form of increased public sector procurement transparency, efficiency, economy, and synergy.

16 MDBs can Help by: Developing lending instruments and procurement procedures/documents for agile system development Leveling procurement playing field for Open source products. For example, of proprietary office suites with functionally equivalent open systems alternatives. Referencing good practice standards in guidelines, templates, model TOR, model specifications. Fex., ebXML, UMM, WSS, IMAP Recommending well established standards that are widely recognized and tested. Fex: SOA, Uncitral model laws, ODF, UNSPSC, BPEL4WS Requiring standards only very selectively, when economy/efficiency of investments, products or services would otherwise be compromised. Fex: XML, ISO 9000, ISO “or equivalent QA standards“.

17 In Closing… Standards enhance economy, efficiency, competition, transparency and evolution of eGP Free and Open source SW (FOSS) facilitates and accelerates use of open standards Open standards/FOSS facilitate fast, iterative development of eGovernance applications which now take too long and are very risk-prone. Governments cannot afford to build the organic, social applications of the future only with proprietary standards/technology.

18 In (really) Closing… MDBs can be far more proactive in referencing, recommending and sometimes even requiring Standards. MDB’s need to create level playing field for procurement of FOSS and for contracting of agile application development.

19 Thank you Questions? or

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