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Did Lincoln win more than 50% of the Popular Vote?

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Presentation on theme: "Did Lincoln win more than 50% of the Popular Vote?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Did Lincoln win more than 50% of the Popular Vote?
If you combine the Electoral Votes for Douglas, Bell and Breckinridge, would it be possible for the South to win this election? Explain

2 How does Abraham Lincoln’s Election in 1860 cause the Southern States to Secede?

3 Secession- LO #7-10 7) Lincoln’s elected South believes he will end slavery Election of shows them that they cannot stop him 8) Before Abraham Lincoln’s Inauguration, South Carolina and 6 other southern states Seceded from the Nation, using State’s Rights as their reasoning. 9) The Constitution for the Confederacy had 3 Main Differences: NO laws against slavery State’s rights/power will be supreme NO protective tariffs allowed -Confederate States of America- The states that Seceded from the United States and formed their own separate nation -Jefferson Davis- elected as president of the Confederate States of America

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