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Aim: Explain the Structure of Feudalism & Role of the Manor System?

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1 Aim: Explain the Structure of Feudalism & Role of the Manor System?

2 Feudalism Structures Society
System of governing and landholding called Feudalism emerged in Europe Political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king in exchange for loyalty and protection from people that live on land. Feudal System based on rights and obligations In exchange for military protection and other services, a lord (landowner) granted a fief (land) Person receiving the fief was a Vassal 2

3 The Feudal Pyramid Structure of feudal society looks like a pyramid
Peak reigned the king Next was most powerful vassal Wealthy landowners Serving beneath Vassals were Knights At base of pyramid were landless peasants Peasants were not slaves Most peasants in Middle Ages were Serfs Couldn’t lawfully leave place where they were born 3

4 The Manor System The Manor was the lords estate Basic economic arrangement System rested on set of rights and obligations between lord and serfs Lord provided serfs with housing In return, serfs tended to lords lands and farms Manor typically consisted of lord’s manor house, church, and workshops Self sufficient community Produced everything on land 4

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