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Twin Texts: A Marriage of Genres

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1 Twin Texts: A Marriage of Genres
Presenters: Elizabeth Sweet, Lisa LoPresti, Stefanie Mullane, and Jenna Ferrara

2 Why Nonfiction? 3.6 minutes per day is spent on nonfiction text in primary classrooms 50-85% of text on most standardized tests is informational/expository/nonfiction Approximately 85% of all reading done by adults is informational/expository/nonfiction

3 Twin Texts Twin texts are two books, a fiction and nonfiction text on the same or related topic Pairing texts provides a complete overview of a subject for students. The fictional component offers a personal, subjective, and affective perspective and the nonfiction offers a more public, objective, and factual perspective. When a teacher uses these two opposing lenses to examine the same topic, they offer a more holistic vision of a topic and provide a wider array of potential hooks and opportunities for student engagement

4 Benefits of Twin Texts To meet state standards and school curricular goals Students become excited about what they are learning and retention is increased Develop students' background knowledge and create more meaningful connections while reading Improve student reading comprehension Increase student vocabulary Improve critical thinking / higher order thinking skills Enhance student writing Meet two goals at once: expose students to high quality literature and presents students content area information

5 Twin Text Activities Three Stations 1. Five minutes at each station 2. Read the activity directions and peruse materials 3. Discuss: Classroom implications Strengths Limitations Expansions

6 Conclusion Twin texts will build background knowledge, develop text related vocabulary, and increase student motivation . What experiences or comments do you have regarding using twin texts?

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