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Interpreting a Question

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1 Interpreting a Question

2 Command words:   When examiners set questions, they tend to use command words to tell you what they want you to do. The command words used in OCR examinations include:

3 Describe: Give an account or description of something in words without any interpretation or explanation: Use a practical example to describe how angular motion is produced.

4 Explain: Give reasons for and show your understanding of the subject:
Using an example from an invasion game, explain why fast reaction time is important.

5 Give reasons for: Show your understanding of and explain:
Give reasons for physical activity ( physical education, physical recreation and sport ) being of such high status in Australia.

6 Outline: Give a brief description of the main features/give a summary of the main points: Outline contemporary initiatives that impact upon young people’s participation in physical activity.

7 Identify: Give the names of / write what it is:
Identify ways in which a warm up can help improve the strength of contraction during exercise.

8 Define: Give a precise meaning of the term, explain the meaning of…
Define stroke volume and give a maximal value for an aerobic athlete

9 Illustrate: explain with examples – you do not have to draw!
What factors could affect response time in physical activities. Illustrate your answer with a practical example.

10 Analyse: Split into parts and examine the parts critically
Analyse the factors which shaped the development of Australian Rules football.

11 Examine: Look at/inspect the parts critically
Examine the types of guidance used to improve performance.

12 Compare and contrast: Say what is the same and what is different – use comparative adjectives in your answer e.g. larger, quicker, and brighter: Compare and contrast drive theory, inverted U theory and catastrophe theory as explanations for the relationship between arousal and performance of motor skills.

13 Discuss: Examine in detail and argue a case for both sides:
Discuss both the positive and the negative impact of participating in different types of physical activity on the joints and muscles of the body.

14 Evaluate: Determine the value of, assess the value of and say why.
Evaluate the impact of the media on sport in the United Kingdom.

15 To what extent: You are being asked to make a judgment on how far you agree with something: To what extent does altitude affect performances in physical activities?

16 Justify: Give your reasons for your opinion, show why you are right:
Place a named skill on the environmental influence continuum and justify your placement.

17 Comment on: Give a commentary on which includes explaining or giving a critical analysis, making personal observations or illustrating a point of view: Comment on the impact of different types of physical activity on the respiratory system.

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