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Psalm 48:1-7 ( Tune: Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone?)

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 48:1-7 ( Tune: Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone?)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 48:1-7 ( Tune: Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone?)
Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 48A Music: Must Jesus, George N. Allen Arrangement: Chris Reeves

2 1. Great is Je –ho-vah and his praise should be pro-claimed…
a-broad With - in his hill of ho - li - ness the cit - y of our God.

3 2. Mount Zi -on stands most beau-ti-ful the joy of eve - ry land.
The cit - y of the might-y King on her north side doth… stand.

4 3. God’s known a-mong her pal-ac - es to be her for-tress high.
For lo the kings as-sem-bled there; to-geth-er they passed by.

5 4. At what they saw they were a-mazed and…
…filled with great dis-may. So trou-bled were they at the sight they… …turned and ran a - way.

6 5. With pan-ic they were seized they writhed like…
…her whom birth pangs take. For Thou with wind out of the east dost ships of Tar-shish break.

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