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People who inject drugs

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1 People who inject drugs
Last updated: December 2018

2 CONTENT Population size estimates HIV prevalence and epidemiology
Risk behaviors Vulnerability and HIV knowledge National response

3 Population size estimates

4 People who inject drugs size estimates
Country Estimated size Definition Males (15-49) As% of males Afghanistan(2015) 40,900 Information not available 8,049,121 0.5 Australia(2005) 215,000 5,822,784 3.7 Bangladesh(2015) 33,067 (Total) 32,021 (Male) 1045 (Female) Males who injected drugs within the last 1 year Females who injected drugs within the last 1 year 45,033,462 0.07 Cambodia(2012) 1300 (Total) 1124 (Male) 176 (Female) 18+yrs; who injected drugs at least one time in the last 1 year 3,966,282 0.03 China(2013) 1,930,000 Persons who ever injected drugs 400,323,128 India(2009)* 177,000 365,281,206 Indonesia(2016) 33,492 (Male) People aged 15 years or older who injected drugs categorized as narcotics in the last 12 months 71,618,154 0.05 Lao PDR (2018) 1600 1,817,676 0.1 Malaysia(2017) 120,000 Males 18+ yrs; who injected drugs in the last 6 months 8,472,244 2 Myanmar(2017) 93,000 Males 15+ yrs, who injected drugs for non-medical purposes in the past one month 14,191,807 0.6 Nepal(2016) 30,868 People who inject various drugs into their muscles or veins for the purpose of intoxication in the last 12 months 7,145,550 0.4 Pakistan(2016) 113,776 Persons 15+ yrs; who injected drugs regularly, for non-therapeutic purposes in the last 6 months 51,045,195 0.2 Philippines(2015) Males 15+ yrs; who injected drugs for non-medical purposes in the last six months 24,435,734 Sri Lanka(2013) 423 Persons who are currently injecting drugs 5,049,250 0.01 Thailand(2015) 42,650 People who inject drugs at least once within the last month 17,685,689 Viet Nam(2013) 271,506 26,182,125 1.0 * India reported 2009 PWID population estimates in latest Global AIDS Monitoring (GAM) 2018 reporting. Source: Global AIDS Monitoring reporting to 2018, China 2013 HIV estimation, and United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2017). World Population Prospects: The 2017 Revision

5 HIV prevalence and epidemiology

6 HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs, 2012-2017
Source: Prepared by based on Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting and Global AIDS Monitoring Reporting 2017 and 2018

7 HIV prevalence among who inject drugs by gender, 2012-2017
* Male PWID – Dhaka and Hili; female PWID – Dhaka **Small sample size for female PWID Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveys; 2) HIV Sentinel Surveillance Surveys; and 3) UNAIDS. Global AIDS Monitoring Reporting (GAM) Reporting

8 HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs, 2012-2017
HIV prevalence among PWID in geographical locations that are higher than national prevalence, HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs, Source: Prepared by based on HIV Sentinel Surveillance Reports and Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance Reports and GAM Reporting

9 Double disease burden of HIV and HCV among PWID in Asia and the Pacific
Prepared by based on Platt, L., Easterbrook, P., Gower, E., et al. Prevalence and burden of HCV co-infection in people living with HIV: a global systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Infectious Diseases

10 Hepatitis C and syphilis prevalence among PWID, countries where data is available, 2009-2017
Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveys and 2) HIV Sentinel Surveillance Surveys

11 Risk behaviours

12 Married or in partnership
HIV and HCV burden among PWID and population interactions with other populations - implications on onward transmissions Half a million PWID living with HIV 430 K HCV co-infection 4.1 M PWID Married or in partnership Had sex with FSW Had sex with males 51% (33%- 70%) 27% (10%- 42%) 14% (4%-37%) Note: HCV prevalence among PWID in the region varies with a range of 20% to 80% Source: Prepared by based on Integrated Behavior and Biological Surveillance (IBBS) and HIV sentinel surveillance plus (HSS+) reports and Platt, L., Easterbrook, P., Gower, E., et al. Prevalence and burden of HCV co-infection in people living with HIV: a global systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Infectious Diseases

13 Less than one in three people who inject drugs used a condom at the last sexual encounter
Condom use at last sex among people who inject drugs in Asia and the Pacific, Source: Prepared by based on Global AIDS Monitoring (GAM) reporting

14 Condom use at last sex among PWID by gender, (2013-2017)
Condom use among both male and female who inject drugs are still below 60% in many countries Condom use at last sex among PWID by gender, ( ) * sample size of female PWID < 50 Source: Prepared by based on Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting and Global AIDS Monitoring Reporting

15 Safe injecting practices among people who inject drugs in Asia and the Pacific
Percentage of people who inject drugs reporting the use of sterile injecting equipment the last time they injected ( ) Source: Prepared by based on Global AIDS Monitoring (GAM) reporting

16 Safe injection practice among male and female PWID, 2015-2017
No remarkable difference in safe injection practice among male and female PWID in countries where data is available Safe injection practice among male and female PWID, * Female PWID sample size Source: Prepared by based on and Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting and Global AIDS Monitoring 2017

17 The syndemic of HIV related risk and co-morbidities among women who use drug in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Source: Prepared by based on Loeliger, K. B., Marcus, R., Wickersham, J. A., et al. (2016). The syndemic of HIV, HIV-related risk and multiple co-morbidities among women who use drugs in Malaysia: Important targets for intervention. Addictive Behaviors, 53, 31-39

18 Average number of injections among people who inject drugs, 2011-2017
* Cebu and Mandaue; ** median value; ***More than half of all respondents injected 2-3 times a day or more. Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys; 2) Behavioral Surveillance Surveys;

19 Average duration of injecting drugs among PWID, 2009-2017
Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys; 2) Behavioral Surveillance Surveys

20 Proportion of PWID engaged in commercial sex in the past 12 months, 2009-2017
Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys; 2) Behavioral Surveillance Surveys

21 Proportion of PWID reported consistent condom use, 2011-2017
Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys; 2) Behavioral Surveillance Surveys

22 Vulnerability and HIV knowledge

23 Proportion of PWID with comprehensive HIV knowledge, 2008-2017
Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys; 2) Behavioral Surveillance Surveys; 3) other surveys and reports

24 HIV expenditure

25 Prevention spending on people who inject drugs is heavily dependent on international financing sources HIV expenditure on harm reduction programmes for PWID in Asia and the Pacific, latest available year, Domestic funding by income level International funding Source: Prepared by based on Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting; UNAIDS. (2016). Do No Harm: Health, Human Rights and People Who Use Drugs and

26 Key populations account for 60-90% of new HIV infections in Asia and the Pacific countries but only a third was spent for key populations HIV prevention programme Proportion of prevention spending among key populations in Asia and the Pacific region 35% 19% 10% 6% of total prevention spending 15 countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Palau, Pakistan, Philippines, Solomon Island, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam Source: Prepared by based on GARPR reporting

27 Trends in spending on PWID harm reduction programmes out of total prevention spending, countries where HIV prevalence among PWID is more than 10%, Source: Prepared by based on

28 Regionally, less than one-fifth of PWID prevention spending comes from domestic public sources
Source: Prepared by based on

29 Proportion of AIDS spending by major spending category, Asia and the Pacific, 2009-2013
AIDS spending breakdown is not available for China and India Source: Prepared by based on

30 Proportion of prevention spending by category, 2009-2013
Youth Prevention mother-to-child General prevention and others Sex workers and their clients People who inject drugs Men who have sex with men Note: Data from latest available year. China and India did not report prevention spending breakdown. Source: Prepared by based on

31 Spending on HIV prevention programmes focused on PWID, 2009-2013
Note: Data from latest available year. China and India do not report prevention spending breakdown. Source: Prepared by based on

32 National response

33 Snapshot of harm reduction in Asia and the Pacific, 2017
Needle and syringe programmes operational Needle and syringe programmes coverage Possession of needle and syringe used as evidence for arrest Opioid substitution therapy programmes operational Opioid substitution therapy programmes coverage Naloxone available through community distribution Afghanistan Yes NO INFO No Australia Bangladesh* Cambodia China India Indonesia Lao PDR Malaysia Myanmar Nepal** New Zealand Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Viet Nam Countries with HIV prevalence among PWID ≥ 5% NSP programme coverage (syringes per PWID per year) High coverage: >200 Medium coverage: >100–<200 Low coverage: <100 No service No info/ not reported OST programme coverage (% opioid injectors on OST) High coverage: >40% Medium coverage: 20 – ≤ 40% Low coverage: < 20% No service No info/ not reported * HIV prevalence from sentinel sites – Dhaka A1, A2 and Hili; **Kathmandu Source: Prepared by based on Global AIDS Monitoring (GAM) reporting

34 Needles and syringes distributed per PWID per year in Asia and the Pacific, 2014-2017
High coverage: ≥200 syringes per PWID per year Medium coverage: ≥100–<200 syringes per PWID per year Low coverage: <100 syringes per PWID per year Source: Prepared by based on Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting and Global AIDS Monitoring Reporting

35 Coverage of opioid substitution therapy among people who inject drugs, 2016-2017
High coverage: >40% Medium coverage: 20 – ≤ 40% Low coverage: <20% Source: Prepared by based on Global AIDS Monitoring Reporting

36 Reported number of people who use drugs received opioid substitution therapy, 2012-2014
* only number people on methadone is reported in and 2013 reported numbers includes number of people on methadone and estimate people on buprenorphine. Source: Prepared by based on Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2015

37 NSP and OST sites by country where data is available, 2012-2017
Number of needles/syringes programme sites Number of opioid substitution therapy sites Afghanistan (2014) 27 1 Bangladesh (2016) 49 4 Cambodia (2017) China (2014) 814 767 India (2014) 401 178 Indonesia (2014) 232 90 Lao PDR (2012)  5  8 Malaysia (2016) 694 907 Maldives (2014) Mongolia (2013)  1 Myanmar (2017) 55 51 Nepal (2017) 21 15 Pakistan (2016) 29 Thailand (2016) 17 147 Viet Nam (2016)*  230 416 * 2014 data for NSP sites Source: Prepared by based on 1.Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting; and 2.Global AIDS Monitoring & Malaysia Satellite Data Hub

38 HIV testing response gap to reach Fast-Track target: less than half of people who inject drugs know their HIV status 90% Source: Prepared by based on Global AIDS Monitoring Reporting

39 HIV testing coverage among male and female PWID, 2013-2017
Female PWID have similar level of HIV testing coverage comparing to their male cohort HIV testing coverage among male and female PWID, * Female PWID sample size Source: Prepared by based on and Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting

40 HIV testing and treatment coverage, and response gap among PWID, select countries, 2016
HIV testing coverage Treatment coverage 27% 90% 28% 81% Bangladesh HIV testing coverage 39% 90% 6% 81% Pakistan Treatment coverage Response gap 53% 90% 5% 81% Viet Nam Source: Prepared by based on Global AIDS Monitoring (GAM) Reporting 2017

41 Impact of drug policies on HIV among people who inject drugs
HIV prevalence (%) Select countries that have early and consistently implemented comprehensive harm reduction strategies Select countries that have introduced harm reduction strategies partially (or) late in the progress of the HIV epidemic Select countries that have consistently resisted large scale implementation of harm reduction strategies, despite the presence of the epidemic, drug injection and sharing *Information on year of survey conducted not available Source: Prepared by based on and Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting (GARPR)

42 Punitive laws hindering the HIV response among PWID in South Asia
Compulsory detention centres for people who use drugs Death penalty for drug-related offences Afghanistan NO NO INFO Bangladesh YES Bhutan India Maldives Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS, UNDP, UNFPA, and UNODC. (2014). Punitive Laws Hindering the HIV Response in Asia and the Pacific in October 2014

43 Punitive laws hindering the HIV response among PWID in South-East Asia
Compulsory detention centres for people who use drugs Death penalty for drug-related offences Brunei YES Cambodia NO Indonesia Lao PDR Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Timor-Leste Viet Nam Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS, UNDP, UNFPA, and UNODC. (2014). Punitive Laws Hindering the HIV Response in Asia and the Pacific in October 2014

44 Punitive laws hindering the HIV response among PWID in East Asia
Compulsory detention centres for people who use drugs Death penalty for drug-related offences China YES Japan NO Mongolia DRP Korea Rep of Korea Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS, UNDP, UNFPA, and UNODC. (2014). Punitive Laws Hindering the HIV Response in Asia and the Pacific in October 2014

45 Punitive laws hindering the HIV response among PWID in the Pacific
Compulsory detention centres for people who use drugs Death penalty for drug-related offences Fiji NO NO INFO Kiribati Marshall Islands FSM* Nauru Palau Papua New Guinea Samoa Solomon Islands Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu *Federated States of Micronesia Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS, UNDP, UNFPA, and UNODC. (2014). Punitive Laws Hindering the HIV Response in Asia and the Pacific in October 2014

46 slides compiled by
THANK YOU slides compiled by Data shown in this slide set are comprehensive to the extent they are available from country reports. Please inform us if you know of sources where more recent data can be used. Please acknowledge if slides are lifted directly from this site

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