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Chapter 4 – Lesson 2 Through the centuries.

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1 Chapter 4 – Lesson 2 Through the centuries

2 Descendant A person who is descended (comes) from a certain ancestor. (Children’s children)

3 INUIT They were one of the first groups to migrate to Canada.
Many still speak their native language today.

Both the French and the British settled in different places in Canada. In 1754, a war broke out between these two groups. It is called the French and Indian War. In 1763, the French and the British signed a treaty. The British gained control of New France (Quebec). A great deal of French People lived in New France. So, the British passed the Quebec Act which gave the French people the right to keep their own laws, language, and religion.

5 Loyalist An American who supported Britain during the American Revolution. In general a person a person who supports the current government.

6 Dominion A self governing nation. Canada became on dominion in 1867, but the British still ruled over foreign matters.

7 Nationalism A strong feeling of loyalty to ones nation.

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