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What is a ‘colony’? What is the ‘mother country’? What was New France?

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Presentation on theme: "What is a ‘colony’? What is the ‘mother country’? What was New France?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a ‘colony’? What is the ‘mother country’? What was New France? Was New France a colony? Who was in charge of New France?

2 Did Jacques Cartier fail at starting a colony in North America?
Who did the King of France put in charge of setting up a colony? Where did he decide to set up a colony? What did he call this settlement (HINT: this city still exists)?

3 Why did Europeans come to North America after 1541 (HINT: think of something you find in the ocean)?
What did the First Occupants trade to the Europeans? Did the Europeans like it? Which animal fur was the most popular with the Europeans? Why?


5 Fur Trade early 1600s The first settlements in New France had trading posts Trading posts were used to get furs from the First Occupants

6 How did the Furs get to the trading posts?

7 Trading posts  early 1600s First Occupant hunters would bring furs to the trading posts They would trade the furs in exchange for French goods Guns metal pots, French clothing Toys


9 What happened to the furs?
The furs were tied up with ropes They were shipped to France by boat Factories in France made clothing with the furs (hats) Merchants in France became very rich!

10 FURS Merchants in France get rich $$$$$$ Hunters get Furs
Hunters trade furs in New France (trading posts) Factories in France turned the furs into hats, clothing, etc. FURS Merchants in France get rich $$$$$$ Hunters get Furs

11 Who benefits? Who doesn’t?
The First Occupant hunters and people working at the trading posts did ALL THE WORK The merchants in France got all the profit France treated New France like a big supply depot

12 How did Jacques Cartier fail his mission for the King of France?

13 What was the name of the man who started a colony in North America for France (1608)?

14 What is the ‘BARTER SYSTEM’
What is the ‘BARTER SYSTEM’? Explain how the First Occupants used the ‘BARTER SYSTEM’?


16 Did the First Occupants have respect for the environment? Why?

17 How did the First Occupants PASS ON CULTURE from the young to the old?

18 Why did Europeans want to start exploring by sea (ocean) in the 1400s?

19 How did the First Occupants get to North America
How did the First Occupants get to North America? What continent did they come from?



22 What was the way of life of the IROQUOIANS?
How did the IROQUOIANS get their food?

23 What is the name of the building in the picture below
What is the name of the building in the picture below? What is it made out of? What was it used for?

24 What was the way of life of the ALGONKIANS?
How did the ALGONKIANS get their food?





29 Name 4 animals the Inuit would hunt and eat?



32 FURS Merchants in France get rich $$$$$$ Hunters get Furs
Hunters trade furs in New France (trading posts) Factories in France turned the furs into hats, clothing, etc. FURS Merchants in France get rich $$$$$$ Hunters get Furs

33 Chartered Company System
 fur companies were not making enough money There was also a small population in New France In 1627  The King gave over the monopoly to ONLY ONE company: COMPANY OF 100 ASSOCIATES

34 Company of 100 Associates The King of France made a deal with The Company of 100 Associates: The Company of 100 Associates got to be the only fur trading company BUT… The Company of 100 Associates was in charge of populating New France The Company of 100 Associates also had to take care of roads, buildings, jails and a lot of other things

35 Company of 100 Associates The Company of 100 Associates DID NOT do a good job It took a lot of furs from New France It did not bring people to live in New France The company did not care about the deal with the King

36 1663: The King is in charge... 1663: King Louis XIV (14th)
He took control of New France Louis XIV had to become the boss of New France from Far away

37 Lets get this place populated!
Louis XIV had to start populating New France More women needed to live in New France More women = MORE BABIES King Louis XIV had a plan…

38 King Louis XIV’s plan Step 1: Send somebody to New France to populate it. Jean Talon (intendant) Step 2: Use a CENSUS to find out how many people actually lived in New France A census helped find out how many women, men, children and families were in New France

39 King Louis XIV’s plan Jean Talon found out that New France had about 3500 people This was NOT GOOD! New England had about people Why is this a problem? New England could easily take over New France


41 King Louis XIV’s plan Promote ‘engages’ Ship over ‘filles du Roi’
Encourage soldiers to stay in NF Unwanted prisoners: people who committed non-violent crimes in France were asked to move to NF Give people money for marrying and having kids

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