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John John 8.12–59 Conflict 02. john John 8.12–59 Conflict 02.

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2 john John 8.12–59 Conflict 02

3 John 7.53–8.11

4 6. What kinds of external and internal evidence do you think we should look at when evaluating the inspiration or canonicity of the Pericope Adultery (John 7.53–8.11)?

5 John 7.53–8.11

6 Questions:

7 1. What two witnesses proved the truthfulness to Jesus’s statement, “I am the light of the world” (8.12–20)?

8 2. Who did Jesus say would die in their sins (8.21–30)?

9 3. How did Jesus say people are set free from the slavery of sin (8

10 4. How was the devil the father of those to whom Jesus spoke (8.39–47)?

11 5. Who did Jesus say would never see death (8.48–59)?

12 Digging Deeper:

13 7. First words from someone in a narrative are often important
7. First words from someone in a narrative are often important. God’s first words when he created the world were, “Let there be light” (Genesis 1.3). Is there any connection to Jesus’s statement, “I am the light of the world” (8.12)? Explain.

14 8. Did Jesus contradict himself in 8. 14 with what he said in 5. 31
8. Did Jesus contradict himself in 8.14 with what he said in 5.31? Explain.

15 9. Where is it written in the Law that the testimony of two to three people is true (8.17)?

16 10. What two examples from Genesis are alluded to by Jesus when he said the devil was a liar and a murderer from the beginning (8.44)?

17 11. In 8. 58 Jesus said, “before Abraham was, I am
11. In 8.58 Jesus said, “before Abraham was, I am.” This prompted the Jews to pick up stones to throw at Jesus to kill him. Why? And what Old Testament passage did Jesus allude to here (8.58–59)?

18 Applications:

19 12. Jesus said he is the light of the world (8. 12)
12. Jesus said he is the light of the world (8.12). What are we supposed to do with this light in our lives?

20 13. What are we to believe so that we will not die in our sins (8.24)?

21 14. What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus and to abide in his word (8.31–32)?

22 15. Jesus emphasized the need for people not just to believe but to also “do the works Abraham did” (8.39). Paul used Abraham as an example in Romans How do we do the works of Abraham today?

23 john John 8.12–59 Conflict 02

24 john John 9.1–41 Conflict 03


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