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Presentation on theme: "GRAPHING NOTES Part 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 TYPES OF GRAPHS Graphs are used to illustrate what happens during an experiment. Bar graph - used for comparing data. Pie graph - used to show percentages. Line graph - used to show continuous change, usually change over time.

3 CREATING A DATA TABLE A data table has 2 columns (not always).
The first column is the independent variable. The second column is the dependent variable. INDEPENDENT VARIABLE DEPENDENT

4 This is the factor that we can change.
Independent Variable This is the factor that we can change. Example: How long the thermometer is in the water, or how far the runner races.

5 Dependent Variable These are the results we get.
Example: The water temperature, or how fast the runner ran.

6 Variable & Controlled Parameters
Controlled parameters are the factors that stay constant during the experiment. Example: The amount of salt used or the material used. Variable Parameters are factors that change during the experiment. Example: The mass or volume of the gummy bear in water.

7 Creating a Graph Data tables help you organize data.
Graphs help you understand and use data.

8 AXES An axis is a line that forms one side of the graph.
X-axis: the horizontal line that represents the independent variable. Y-axis: the vertical line that represents the dependent variable.

9 Range & Scale To find the range of each axis, subtract the smallest value on the data table from the largest value. Scale: Each axis has its own scale, or how many spaces between numbers.

10 Data Points You plot the data points by putting a dot on the graph for each pair of data on the data table.

11 Labels Title: The title tells people what the graph describes. Do NOT use the word graph in your title. Label axes: Also label the x-axis and y-axis. Include the name and unit label if necessary, like “distance (m)” or “time (sec.)”.

ALWAYS USE A RULER! ALWAYS MAKE AS LARGE AS POSSIBLE! 1) Draw the x and y axes. 2) Label the axes. Include units if needed. 1st column of data table = x-axis 2nd column of data table = y-axis 3) Decide - line graph or bar graph? 4) Choose a scale and fill in numbers. 5) Plot your data. 6) Write a title for your graph.



15 Remember To Check For: T Title L Labels U Units D Data


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