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Invitations A Dear….. It was great t hear from you. Sorry it’s taken me a while to reply, but I’ve been up to my eyes in work recently. I’m pleased to.

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Presentation on theme: "Invitations A Dear….. It was great t hear from you. Sorry it’s taken me a while to reply, but I’ve been up to my eyes in work recently. I’m pleased to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Invitations A Dear….. It was great t hear from you. Sorry it’s taken me a while to reply, but I’ve been up to my eyes in work recently. I’m pleased to hear that you’re having such a good time at college and that you’ve made loads of new friends. David sounds nice. Three week? That must be a record for you!! I’m writing to ask what you’re doing for the last weekend in May. I was wondering if you’d like to come down here and spend a few days by the sea. How about bringing David with you? (Can he cook?!) Please try to come. I’m really looking forward to seeing you. Write soon and let me know. Lots of love XXX

2 B Dear ……. I hope you’re well and that you’re enjoying your new job. I’m writing to you because we would like you to join us for a small party to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary on 4th September at the Ferncourt Hotel. I do hope you can come. Please drop us a line to let us know. Love C Dear ……. This is just a short note to ask you if you could come to dinner next Saturday. I’ m sorry it’s such short notice, but an old friend of mine phoned me yesterday to say she’s coming for the weekend, and I’d love you to meet her. I think I’ve talked to you about her. Her name’s Justy and she works for a film company in Spain. I’m going to ask Brett and Alison too. I do hope you can make to. Love XXX

3 A C B Letter Replies Dear…..............
Thanks for the invitation to dinner. I’d love to come. I haven’t seen Brett and Alison for ages and your friend sounds really interesting. I’ll bring some wine. Look forward to seeing you on Saturday. Love Dear ……… Thank you for your kind invitation to your wedding anniversary. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to join you as I’ll be abroad on holiday. I hope the party goes well. Best wishes for a happy anniversary on the 4th. Love PS Give my love to Uncle Ken B Dear… Thank you for inviting me down for the weekend, but I’m afraid I’ve got exams the following week, so I won’t be able to make it. I’d love to come another time, though. Maybe after my exams. I’ll give you a ring and we’ll fix a date. Wish me luck for my exams. Love

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