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MSE thermal birefringence and shot to shot reproducibility

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Presentation on theme: "MSE thermal birefringence and shot to shot reproducibility"— Presentation transcript:

1 MSE thermal birefringence and shot to shot reproducibility
Motivation: MSE has poor reproducibility in q measurements Last campaign we determined this was caused by birefringence in L2 from temperature changes throughout the run day ( ) Bench experiments support this hypothesis , Alcator Ideas Forum: MSE reproducibility, B. Mumgaard, S Scott, J. Ko, S Shiraiwa

2 Thermal Management Actions taken
MSE thermal shield L2 mount O-ring seat Actions taken New L2 mount to thermally isolate lens from the MSE canister New heat shield for temperature control of entire canister Proposal A few identical shots throughout a run day to check reproducibility Preferably run days with significant RF heating for worst possible thermal environment , Alcator Ideas Forum: MSE reproducibility, B. Mumgaard, S Scott, J. Ko, S Shiraiwa

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