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Directions Grab the ONE sheet of paper off of the bookshelf.

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Presentation on theme: "Directions Grab the ONE sheet of paper off of the bookshelf."— Presentation transcript:

1 Directions Grab the ONE sheet of paper off of the bookshelf.
Grab your SPIRAL Get your CORNELL NOTE sheet ready to go! Begin working on your BELL-RINGER, you will have 3 minutes.


3 Presidential Cabinet Secretary of State – manages affairs with other nations Thomas Jefferson Secretary of War – provides security, protects the nation Henry Knox Secretary of Treasury – manages the nation’s finances Alexander Hamilton Chief justice – head of the Supreme Court John Jay

4 Hamilton’s Financial Plan
Pay off all war debts (National and State) Raise government revenues ($ from tariffs) Impose a tariff on imported goods Create a national bank Buzzy Bee – How is a tariff beneficial?

5 Democratic-Republicans
Oral/Choral Response: Jefferson was the Secretary of _________. Federalists Formed by Alexander Hamilton Supported the national bank Loose interpretation of the Constitution Supported Britain during the French Revolution. Democratic-Republicans Formed by Thomas Jefferson Opposed the National Bank Strict interpretation of the Constitution Supported France during the French Revolution. Oral/Choral Response: Hamilton was the Secretary of _________.

6 POLICY of NEUTRALITY French wanted us to help in war with Britain
They were our allies in the American Revolution Washington encouraged neutrality Discouraged American involvement Proclamation of Neutrality Prohibited Americans fighting in overseas war Barred warships in American ports Oral/Choral Response: How do you think France will feel about Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality? 6

7 The Whiskey Rebellion The Whiskey Rebellion demonstrated, that under the Constitution, the national government was STRONG enough to handle domestic issues. Leader Taxes Standing army Table Talk: How is this different from Shay’s Rebellion

8 Washington’s Farewell Address

9 Washington’s Farewell Address
No more than two terms in office Advised against permanent alliances with other nations NO POLITICAL PARTIES Warned about the relationship between the North and South

10 Demonstration of Learning
On a response card, identify the four key points of Washington’s Farewell Address.

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