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Abdominal Dissection.

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Presentation on theme: "Abdominal Dissection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abdominal Dissection

2 Peritoneum Parietal-on the abdomen wall Visceral- on the organs

3 Peritoneal Reflections
Lesser Omentum: also known as the Gastro-Hepato-Duodenal Ligament Greater Omentum Caudate Lobe of Liver under Lesser Omentum

4 Mesentaries Mesocolon Mesentary Proper

5 Ligaments Falciform Gastro-Splenic

6 15= Falcifrom 13=Coronary

7 Broad Umbilical

8 Ovarian Round

9 The Mouth Frenulum Palate Papillae

10 The Throat Trachea Esophagus

11 Glands Parotid Submandibular

12 The Stomach Cardiac Fundic Pyloric Body

13 Pyloric Sphincter Caudate Lobe of Liver

14 The Liver Right Lobe Left Lobe

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