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Statistical Inference and Regression Analysis: GB

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1 Statistical Inference and Regression Analysis: GB.3302.30
Professor William Greene Stern School of Business IOMS Department Department of Economics

2 Statistics and Data Analysis
Part 6 – Regression Model Conditional Mean

3 U.S. Gasoline Price 6 Months 5 Years

4 Impact of Change in Gasoline Price on Consumer Demand?
Elasticity concepts Long term vs. short term Income Demand for gasoline Demand for food

5 Movie Success vs. Movie Online Buzz Before Release (2009)


7 Internet Buzz and Movie Success
Box office sales vs. Can’t wait votes 3 weeks before release

8 Is There Really a Relationship?
BoxOffice is obviously not equal to f(Buzz) for some function. But, they do appear to be “related,” perhaps statistically – that is, stochastically. There is a covariance. The linear regression summarizes it. A predictor would be Box Office = a + b Buzz. Is b really > 0? What would be implied by b > 0?



11 Covariation – Education and Life Expectancy
Causality? Covariation? Does more education make people live longer? Is there a hidden driver of both? (Per capita GDP?)

12 Using Regression to Predict
The equation would not predict Titanic. Predictor: Overseas box office = a + b Domestic box office The prediction will not be perfect. We construct a range of “uncertainty.”

13 Conditional Variation and Regression
Conditional distribution of a pair of random variables f(y|x) or P(y|x) Mean function, E[y|x] = Regression of y on x.

14 Expected Income Depends on Household Size
y|x ~ Normal[ x, 42 ], x = 1,2,3,4; Poisson

15 Average Box Office by Internet Buzz Index = Average Box Office for Buzz in Interval

16 Linear Regression? Fuel Bills vs. Number of Rooms

17 Independent vs. Dependent Variables
Y in the model Dependent variable Response variable X in the model Independent variable: Meaning of ‘independent’ Regressor Covariate Conditional vs. joint distribution

18 Linearity and Functional Form
y = g(x) h(y) =  + f(x) y =  + x y = exp( + x); logy =  + x y =  +  (1/x) =  + f(x) y = e x, logy =  + log x. Etc.

19 Inference and Regression
Least Squares

20 Fitting a Line to a Set of Points
Yi Gauss’s method of least squares. Residuals Predictions a + bxi Choose  and  to minimize the sum of squared residuals Xi

21 Least Squares Regression


23 Least Squares Algebra

24 Least Squares

25 Normal Equations

26 Computing the Least Squares Parameters a and b
(We will use sy2 later.)

27 Least Absolute Deviations

28 Least Squares vs. LAD

29 Inference and Regression
Regression Model

30 b Measures Covariation
Predictor Box Office = a + b Buzz.

31 Interpreting the Function
a = the life expectancy associated with 0 years of education. No country has average years of education The regression only applies in the range of experience. b = the increase in life expectancy associated with each additional year of average education. b a The range of experience (education)

32 Covariation and Causality
Does more education make you live longer (on average)?

33 Causality? Correlation = 0.84 (!)
Height (inches) and Income ($/mo.) in first post-MBA Job (men). WSJ, 12/30/86. Ht. Inc. Ht. Inc. Ht. Inc. Estimated Income = Height

34 Inference and Regression
Analysis of Variance

35 Regression Fits Regression of salary vs. years Regression of fuel bill vs. number of experience of rooms for a sample of homes

36 Regression Arithmetic

37 Variance Decomposition

38 Fit of the Equation to the Data

39 Regression vs. Residual SS

40 Analysis of Variance Table
Source Degrees of Freedom Sum of Squares Mean Square F Ratio P Value Regression 1 2P[z>√F]* Residual N-2 Total N-1

41 Explained Variation The proportion of variation “explained” by the regression is called R-squared (R2) It is also called the Coefficient of Determination (It is the square of something – to be shown later)

42 ANOVA Table Source Degrees of Freedom Sum of Squares Mean Square
F Ratio P Value Regression 1 2P[z>√F]* Residual N-2 Total N-1

43 Movie Madness Fit

44 Regression Fits R2=0.360 R2=0.522 R2=0.424 R2=0.880

45 R2 = 0.924 in this cross section.
R Squared Benchmarks Aggregate time series: expect .9+ Cross sections, .5 is good. Sometimes we do much better. Large survey data sets, .2 is not bad. R2 = in this cross section.

46 Correlation Coefficient

47 Correlations rxy = 0.6 rxy = 0.723 rxy = rxy = -.402

48 A regression with a high R2 predicts yi well.
R-Squared is rxy2 R-squared is the square of the correlation between yi and the predicted yi which is a + bxi. The correlation between yi and (a+bxi) is the same as the correlation between yi and xi. Therefore,…. A regression with a high R2 predicts yi well.

49 Squared Correlations rxy2 = 0.522 rxy2 = 0.36 rxy2 = .924 rxy2 = .161

50 Movie Madness Estimated equation Estimated coefficients a and b
S = se = estimated std. deviation of ε Square of the sample correlation between x and y N-2 = degrees of freedom Sum of squared residuals, Σiei2 S2 = se2

51 Software







58 Use File:Open Worksheet to open an Excel .xls or .xlsx file



61 Stat  Basic Statistics  Display Descriptive Statistics






67 Stat  Regression  Regression


69 Results to Report

70 Linear Regression Sample Regression Line










80 Project  Import  Variables imports .csv



83 Command Typed in Editing Window

84 Cursor in desired line of text (or highlight more than one line)
Press GO button

85 Typing Commands in the Editor

86 Important Commands: SAMPLE ; first - last $ Sample ; 1 – 1000 $
Sample ; All $ CREATE ; Variable = transformation $ Create ; LogMilk = Log(Milk) $ Create ; LMC = .5*Log(Milk)*Log(Cows) $ Create ; … any algebraic transformation $

87 Name Conventions CREATE ; name = any function desired $
Name is the name of a new variable No more than 8 characters in a name The first character must be a letter May not contain -,+,*,/. May contain _.

88 Model Command Model ; Lhs = dependent variable
; Rhs = list of independent variables $ Regress ; Lhs = Milk ; Rhs = ONE,Feed,Labor,Land $ ONE requests the constant term

89 The Go Button

90 “Submitting” Commands
One Command Place cursor on that line Press “Go” button More than one command Highlight all lines (like any text editor)

91 Compute a Regression Sample ; All $ Regress ; Lhs = YIT
; Rhs = One,X1,X2,X3,X4 $ The constant term in the model


93 Standard Three Window Operation
Commands typed in editing window Project window shows variables Results appear in output window

94 Inference and Regression
Regression Model

95 The Linear Regression Statistical Model
The linear regression model Sample statistics and population quantities Specifying the regression model

96 A Linear Regression Predictor: Box Office = Buzz

97 Data and Relationship We suggested the relationship between box office and internet buzz is Box Office = Buzz Note the obvious inconsistency in the figure. This is not the relationship. How do we reconcile the equation with the data?

98 Modeling the Underlying Process
A model that explains the process that produces the data that we observe: Observed outcome = the sum of two parts (1) Explained: The regression line (2) Unexplained (noise): The remainder Regression model The “model” is the statement that part (1) is the same process from one observation to the next.

99 The Population Regression
THE model: A specific statement about the parts of the model (1) Explained: Explained Box Office = α + β Buzz (2) Unexplained: The rest is “noise, ε.” Random ε has certain characteristics Model statement Box Office = α + β Buzz + ε

100 The Data Include the Noise

101 What Explains the Noise?

102 (Regression) The equation linking “Box Office” and “Buzz” is stable
Assumptions (Regression) The equation linking “Box Office” and “Buzz” is stable E[Box Office| Buzz] = α + β Buzz Another sample of movies, say 2012, would obey the same fundamental relationship.

103 Model Assumptions yi = α + β xi + εi
α + β xi is the “regression function” Contains the “information” about Yi in xi Unobserved because α and β are not known for certain εi is the “disturbance. It is the unobserved random component Observed Yi is the sum of two unobserved parts.

104 Model Assumptions About εi
Random Variable Mean zero. The regression is the mean of yi. εi is the deviation from the regression. Variance σ2. Noise εi is unrelated to any values of xi (no covariance) – it’s “random noise” εi is unrelated to any other observations on εj (not “autocorrelated”).

105 Sample “Estimate” vs. Population

106 Application: Health Care Data
German Health Care Usage Data, There are altogether 27,326 observations on German households, DOCTOR = 1(Number of doctor visits > 0) HOSPITAL = 1(Number of hospital visits > 0) HSAT =  health satisfaction, coded 0 (low) - 10 (high)   DOCVIS =  number of doctor visits in last three months HOSPVIS =  number of hospital visits in last calendar year PUBLIC =  insured in public health insurance = 1; otherwise = ADDON =  insured by add-on insurance = 1; otherswise = 0 INCOME =  household nominal monthly net income in German marks / HHKIDS = children under age 16 in the household = 1; otherwise = EDUC =  years of schooling AGE = age in years MARRIED = marital status EDUC = years of education 106

107 Sample vs. Population For the full ‘population’ of 27,326 Income = * Educ + ε For a random sample of 52 households, least squares regression produces Income = * Educ + e

108 Sample vs. Population

109 Disturbances vs. Residuals
=y--Buzz e=y-a-bBuzz

110 Standard Deviation of Residuals
Standard deviation of εi = yi-α-βxi is σ σ = √E[εi2] (Mean of εi is zero) Sample a and b estimate α and β Residual ei = yi-a-bxi estimates εi Use √(1/N)Σei2 to estimate σ? Close, not quite. Why N-2? Relates to the fact that two parameters (α,β) were estimated. Proof to come later.

111 Residuals

112 Samples and Populations
Population (Theory) yi = α + βxi + εi Parameters α, β Regression α + βxi Mean of yi | xi Disturbance, εi Mean 0 Standard deviation σ No correlation with xi Sample (Observed) yi = a + bxi + ei Estimates, a, b Fitted regression a + bxi Predicted yi|xi Residuals, ei Sample mean 0, Sample std. dev. se Sample Cov[x,e] = 0

113 Linear Regression Sample Regression Line

114 A Cost Model Electricity.mpj Total cost in $Million
Output in Million KWH N = 123 American electric utilities Model: Cost = α + βKWH + ε

115 Cost Relationship

116 Sample Regression

117 Interpreting the Model
Cost = Output + e Cost is $Million, Output is Million KWH. Fixed Cost = Cost when output = 0 Fixed Cost = $2.44Million Marginal cost = Change in cost/change in output = * $Million/Million KWH = $/KWH = cents/KWH.

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