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Environmental Basics.

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1 Environmental Basics

2 About This Training Rockwell Automation is responsible for minimizing waste and pollution associated with its products and processes, and minimizing impact upon the environment. You have the responsibility to follow our established environmental policies and procedures and report conditions that conflict with these documents. This training covers several environmental topics and is required for all employees. The topics are mandated by company policy or regional, country or local laws. If you have questions about this training or any environmental concerns, please talk with your supervisor/manager. Non time critical concerns can also be directed to HQ Environmental Health and Safety or the Ombudsman.

3 Objectives Employees completing this training will be able to:
Define the benefits of an Environmental Management System Summarize the highlights of Rockwell Automation’s Environmental Policy Define individual responsibilities of employees Properly dispose of unused chemicals Correctly identify methods to handle controlled materials In addition, employees of ISO certified facilities will be able to review typical questions asked by external auditors. We want attendees to become aware of Rockwell Automation’s overall commitment to Environmental Protection and realize that the actions of each employee do have an impact on Rockwell Automation’s overall environmental compliance Remind the attendees to be aware of what they are doing in their job and how that may impact the environment. Remind them to look for opportunities within their specific work areas to reduce waste, recycle or use less hazardous materials Remember: This is part of your job description

4 In Today’s World… A Business must:
Produce quality goods and/or services Provide a safe working environment for employees Reduce the environmental impact of products and services Use processes that minimize the effects on the environment Take responsibility for clean up if necessary One of the best methods a company can choose to help meet these challenges is to implement an Environmental Management System (EMS).

5 Environmental Management Systems
An Environmental Management System (e.g., ISO 14001) is the environmental equivalent of the Quality Management System’s IS Both systems environmental or quality, are designed to meet set requirements and are developed around the following: Policy Planning Implementation Checking/Corrective Action Management Review The benefits of implementing a management system are recognized around the world and environmental management systems are quite common. To learn more about Rockwell Automation’s ISO certifications and important information about how Rockwell Automation performed, go to: RAIN page >Our Vision and Values >Corporate Responsibility Report >Environmental Health & Safety

6 Corporate Responsibility Report
Rockwell Automation introduced it first corporate responsibility report in the summer of The report included not only metrics on such topics as human resources, environment and community support, but also the stories behind the numbers. A summary report followed in 2007. In subsequent years, a full report will be alternated with a summary report.

7 Benefits of an Environmental Management System
Enhanced employee awareness Elimination of waste streams Reduction of energy costs Reduction of environmental liability Good corporate image world-wide Public commitment to the environment Framework/system to achieve world class environmental management Another Important Benefit Besides all the benefits a company can realize, there is another reason to seek ISO14001 certification. Some Rockwell Automation clients – especially automakers, require their suppliers to be certified. Companies who are not certified could miss out on business opportunities.

8 How Employees Are Affected
You are expected to know Summary of our Environmental Policy (red highlighted information - next page) Importance of following policy and rules How your job impacts the environment How to properly dispose of certain wastes You are also expected to complete all required training on time.

9 Environmental Policy Rockwell Automation is committed to demonstrating the highest standard of global environmental management. Our policy is to go beyond strict regulatory compliance and to act in the interest of the communities in which we live and work. We are committed to the continual improvement of our environmental management system and performance, including resource conservation and pollution prevention. We relentlessly strive to be the best in all aspects of environmental management by fostering a culture of trust, teamwork, accountability, partnership and communication with employees, suppliers, customers and outside organizations.

10 Summary Compliance – we follow regulatory laws
Continual Improvement – we have a closed-loop corrective action system if problems arise and we set performance goals each year Pollution Prevention – we monitor air emissions, water, energy usage, and waste generation and strive for methods to improve performance

11 Examples of Aspects and Impacts
Aspects are the environmental issues that result from your activities Impacts are the changes (good or bad) that occur to the environment as a result of the aspect. Activity Aspect Impact Your Responsibility Recycle cardboard or packaging material. Assure equipment is properly maintained Don’t leave lights on unnecessarily (conference rooms or storerooms, etc.) Minimize printing, (Use 2-sided feature, print only what is necessary especially s, etc) recycle paper Trash and Waste disposal Packaging Shipping packages Depletion of natural resources Energy use Driving a fork lift Depletion of natural resources – global warming Turning lights on Scrap paper Printing

12 Waste Categories Rockwell Automation has 4 categories for solid waste:
Hazardous (special) waste Controlled Material Recycled (reusable materials such as scrap metal) Trash (domestic waste such as cafeteria waste) Manufacturing employees who are required to handle waste in either of the first two categories, will receive special training. Typical Container Labels Never put anything into a container identified with either of these two labels (or similar ones) unless you have been trained and understand the labels.

13 Batteries and Aerosol Cans
Collect undamaged, spent batteries in a common container with a “Controlled Material” label and appropriately marked. Know your department’s procedure for handling spent aerosol cans. If you are not sure, contact your Environmental Coordinator Alkaline Lithium Mercury Nickel cadmium Nickel metal hydride Silver oxide Never throw batteries or aerosol cans into the trash!

14 Other Controlled Materials
Do not dispose of the following items in the trash. Check with your Environmental Coordinator if you are not sure how to handle any of the following items: Computers or monitors Other electronic devices such as calculators, printers etc. Circuit boards Soldering waste Used Oil

15 Reduce – Reuse – Recycle
Know the products your facility recycles and follow the rules for recycling by putting items into proper containers, and not the general trash. Try to minimize waste wherever possible. Every item that is recycled is one less item in a land fill. If you are not clear about a procedure, ask. If you or your department has outdated or excess chemicals, contact your Environmental Coordinator for removal. Never dump an unknown substance or chemical down the drain.

16 Expectations for Employees
All employees are expected to know the correct answers to the questions below. If you do not know the answer, contact your Supervisor or Environmental Coordinator. If your facility is certified to ISO14001, you could be approached by an audit who might ask you to verify your answer. What is Rockwell Automation’s Environmental Policy? Who is your management representative? (ISO certified facility) Who is your environmental coordinator? What are some aspects and impacts of your job? Where is your evacuation area? What would you do if you found a leaking drum at the facility? (if applicable) Do you know where your MSDS are located? - Show me. Do you know what to do with waste materials such as used batteries or a spent aerosol can? – Show me. If you didn’t understand an environmental procedure what would you do?

17 Get Involved Work to reduce waste in your area
Look for opportunities – be creative Speak up if you have an idea to reduce the organization’s environmental impact

18 Who is Responsible for Environmental Performance?
You Are!! That’s right. Everyone is responsible for environmental management. Follow the rules, policies and procedures. Always ask questions if you are unsure of what is expected or if you do not understand a policy or procedure.

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