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Lesson 2: Designing a Survey

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1 Lesson 2: Designing a Survey
Recap: what makes a “good” survey? LG: I can design an effective survey to collect 2-variable data

2 Task Design a survey to collect 2-variable data about grade 12 students Sample will be our class What percentage of the population is being surveyed? What type of sample is this? Is this a representative sample?

3 Things to Consider: Questions Survey Method Are questions appropriate?
Are questions clearly stated and have correct spelling/grammar? Are questions biased? Survey Method Will an anonymous written survey vs. interview-style affect the reliability of your data?

4 Possible Topics # of siblings Average marks Hours spent watching TV/ playing video games/using phone/ working/ exercising Height/weight/arm-span/ Number of coffees/energy drinks per day Number of kilometers you live from school Others? Remember you are collecting 2-variable data, so you must obtain 2 pieces of NUMERICAL information from each subject. All information must be obtainable in the class, through questions and/or simple measurements

5 Presenting Data in Tables:
Write a title that describes the contents or relationship among the entries in the table Title are written at the top and accompanied by a table number Give all rows and column a heading that includes units in parentheses Use a ruler if drawing by hand Example: Table 1: Comparison of phone use and time spent on homework Subject Phone Use (min/day) Homework 1 10 70 2 14 60 3 32 20 4 25 35

6 Presenting Data in Graphs:
Include a descriptive title (at the top) and label both axes; include unit symbols in parentheses Independent variable is on the x-axis and the dependent variable is on the y-axis Make it BIG! Choose a scale that will allow you to fill most of the graph paper Use regular intervals on each axis Height – Weight comparison in Grade 12 students

7 Task The task is also described on pates 218 – 221 of your textbook.
On Wednesday during Repeat period, each group will present a short power point presentation with their survey results (introduction, table, graph and conclusion)

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