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Leverage Your Network to Grow With Jo Miller

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Presentation on theme: "Leverage Your Network to Grow With Jo Miller"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leverage Your Network to Grow With Jo Miller

2 The most important asset you will build in your career:
Your network (Your “Sphere of Influence”)

3 A Networking Success Story

4 Your Strategic Networking Plan
WHO With whom will you build relationships? HOW How will you build those relationships?

5 WHO HOW Sue G. Andy L. Sue’s right hand Andy’s boss Attend end-of-quarter BBQ. Request an informational meeting. Arrive early/stay late for staff meetings. Investigate volleyball team. Invite for lunch/coffee. Ask HR for invitation to next executive roundtable.

6 Exercise Identify your WHO: With whom will you build relationships?
Identify your HOW: How will you build relationships with them?

7 5 Key People to Have in Your Network

8 1. The Connector

9 2. The Informational Powerhouse

10 3. The Influencer

11 4. The Mentor

12 4 S’s of Mentoring Successes
Stories Situations Self-awareness Skill-building

13 “There is a special kind of relationship—called sponsorship—in which the mentor goes beyond giving feedback and advice and uses his or her influence with senior executives to advocate for the mentee. Herminia Ibarra, Nancy M. Carter, and Christine Silva, Harvard Business Review

14 5. The Sponsor

15 “A sponsor is someone who will use their internal political and social capital to move your career forward within an organization. Behind closed doors, they will argue your case.” Cindy Kent, GM, 3M




19 “Are all your advocates in the management chain directly above you
“Are all your advocates in the management chain directly above you? I recommend that everyone have three to four advocates outside of their direct management chain.” Michelle Johnston Holthaus, GM, Channel Platforms and Strategy Division, Intel

20 So, how do I get a sponsor?

21 Attracting the Advocacy of Influential Sponsors

22 8. Perform!

23 7. Know who the good sponsors are.
6. Observe the protocols: How does sponsorship work in your organization’s culture?

24 5. Network beyond your direct management chain.

25 4. Raise your hand for exposure opportunities to work with or for potential sponsors.

26 3. Make your value visible.

27 2. Have clear career goals.

28 1. Share your goals with leaders.

29 Attracting the Advocacy of Influential Sponsors
Perform! Make your value visible Observe the protocols for sponsorship works in your organization Ask which leaders have a strong track record of developing talent Network across your organization and beyond your direct management chain Look for exposure opportunities to work with or work for senior leaders Have clarity about your career goals Share your goals with your leaders.

30 5 Key People to Have in Your Network
The Connector The Informational Powerhouse The Influencer The Mentor The Sponsor

31 Leverage Your Network to Grow
What are some “best practices” for… Connecting, and Following up?

32 This presentation is available at

33 “Sponsorship can come to you in different ways
“Sponsorship can come to you in different ways. You never know who is watching you, so be “sponsor-ready” at all times. Millette Granville, Director, Diversity and Inclusion, Delhaize Group.

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