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Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Africa Scenario

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Presentation on theme: "Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Africa Scenario"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Africa Scenario
Steve Peedell Spatial Data Infrastructures Unit European Commission Joint Research Centre SDI Unit

2 Ecosystems and Biodiversity : Africa - Scenario Development
Introductions All participants to scenario development JRC role in Africa Geographic distribution Confirmation of scenario description Role of climate change, socio-economic, humanitarian effects Continent wide / Region specific? Show the good, the bad and the ugly? Political implications Time scale e.g. short term / long term Long term impact of short term events….. Direct and indirect participants Links to other scenarios - climate change, wildfire Links to other pilots - GEO, FedEO Links to other SBA’s Infrastructure issues - role of GEONETCAST? Development of script What are the key messages? Common / scenario specific For which audience? Ministerial / technical / public Using which tools? Identification of data / services Does the scenario fit the available data or vice versa? Schedule and tasks - Wednesday SDI Unit

3 Africa Observatory - Ecosystems and Biodiversity
Continent wide Systematic Input to scenario - results of evaluation SDI Unit

4 Scenario Description As per Kick Off Work Plan -Scenario on ecosystems, biodiversity and climate change in Africa (CFP B.2.6.4) Or as per CFP (Ecosystems and Biodiversity:Africa)? Cranfield, FGDC, JRC GeoConnections, GEOmon, JPL, Meraka, NOAA/EOG, SERVIR, UT/JAXA, GBIF, NASA (SEDAC), STFC, ……. Scenario objectives / key messages Strong on data discovery and access Limited processing, workflow RM ODP description of pilot Entries of contributed resources to go in the GEOSS Registry SDI Unit

5 CFP 0 Identify the key questions for long- term decisions Is the existing network of protected areas (PAs) for preserving biodiversity adapted for preserving hot spots of biodiversity and resilient to current and features threats? 1. Evaluate the current value of PAs Do the current PAs preserve the major groups of species and their habitats? Can we rank the existing PAs? Are important hot spots of biodiversity not covered? 2. Evaluate the current threats on PAs How human activities impact on the territorial integrity or connectivity of PAs? Can we identify the most threaten areas? 3. Evaluate the future threats on PAs How climate change and demographic increase will modify the biodiversity value and the threats (fires, droughts, floods, extractive activities, agriculture...)? 4. Adapt the distribution of PAs How can we mitigate the threats on biodiversity by measures on existing PAs and by creating new ones? SDI Unit

6 Data Requirements Etc etc….. Land use GLC2000 GLOBCOVER(300m JRC)
Protected areas WDPA Wildfire Muenster S. Africa only Population (human and other species) GBIF SEDAC Including migration and changes due to humanitarian crises Climate - long term average and climate change scenarios Gazetteer Topography Soil resources - WOSSAC (Nigeria??), GeographyNetwork EO data L-Band SAR and Optical Wildlife sightings Habitat Monitoring Visitor information Infrastructure - communications, transportation etc UN DevInfo Etc etc….. SDI Unit

7 Pilot components checklist
Catalog services CS/W, Z39.50, ISO 23950, CS/W-ebRIM, CS/W-ISO, UDDI, Clearinghouse OGC Core, ISO, EO, Darwin Core, DDMS, FGDC, Data access services WFS, WCS, SOS, SPS, Workflow Manager, OPeNDAP Portrayal services WMS, SLD WMS Data transformation / processing services WPS, WCTS, WICS Other services WNS, Alerts, Portals, Ordering, SQL RDBMS Not services WMC, GML, ISO / 19139, ABCD, SensorML, SLD, TML, NetCDF, RSS SDI Unit

8 GEO /Trilateral Pilot Objectives
Use scenarios to exercise discovery and access Develop and register persistent GEOSS services Demonstrate use of GEOSS architecture around scenarios SDI Unit

9 Contributions Storyboard development (up to end June)
Local stakeholder engagement Service creation / provision Including proxy hosting Catalogue population Links to other scenarios / pilots Key messages Sharing brings results What we are aware of is the tip of the iceberg Justify data acquisition / cataloguing Demonstrate potential value Added value of the GEO process Repatriation of data SDI Unit

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