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Stuart Lamberton Lead Officer – Child Protection

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Presentation on theme: "Stuart Lamberton Lead Officer – Child Protection"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stuart Lamberton Lead Officer – Child Protection
SCR Group - Moray 2018 Stuart Lamberton Lead Officer – Child Protection

2 Who are the SCR Group? Chair – Chief Social Work Officer, supported by Lead Officer Head of Schools and Curriculum Service Manager for Social Work DCI Police Scotland Service Manager, Children and Young People, NHSG Other relevant members

3 Process Implemented with support of CPP from National SCR guidance
Independent referral mechanism for staff/services Whole process from referral to review and decision take 28 calendar days 3 Initial Case Reviews (ICRs) this year with another 2 ongoing Sharing themes but not specifics About learning not blame

4 Family A Cumulative Neglect was the biggest factor in this case
Disguised compliance Occasions of case being closed to services after de-registration from CPR without ongoing support Workers changed from services repeatedly, partnership consistency of approach and support Understanding the strengths of building and maintaining relationships with families The provision of assessment and support to children affected by disability in Moray

5 Family B Cumulative Neglect Parental Mental Health
History of injuries to the children Acceptance of the family situation and explanations offered Children suffering developmental delay Sporadic engagement from the family

6 Family C Cumulative Neglect Complex case multiple children
Information sharing and recording across services Sporadic involvement with family leading to opportunities being missed Partnership risk assessments Missing services i.e. housing given the living conditions

7 Moving forward TAC meetings Local reviews and audits
Multi-Agency Practice HUB (MAPH) Practice Improvement Reflection Short Module (PRISM) Moray Neglect Working Group Graded Care Profile 2 Quality Assurance

8 How do we know what we are doing makes a difference?
Next Steps How do we know what we are doing makes a difference?

9 Questions

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