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Presentation on theme: "COUNTER-ACT Trivia Game"— Presentation transcript:

1 COUNTER-ACT Trivia Game

2 Fast Facts

3 What is the most common type of vandalism?

4 Graffiti does not involve the owner’s permission
Graffiti is the writing, marking, painting or scratching of a mark, name, drawing, or message on any surface with the permission of the owner Graffiti does not involve the owner’s permission

5 What is the most successful way to prevent graffiti?
Removal within hours There's graffiti on the school wall! Remember to report vandalism and graffiti you see to an adult you trust We’ll take care of it. Private property is – Any land owned by individuals or corporations other than the government

6 Is vandalism illegal? Yes

7 What is the name of the Law you are breaking when you get caught vandalizing?
Mischief Law

8 What is the maximum punishment for vandalism under the Mischief Law?
6 months jail or $5,000 fine

9 Which location is a common target for vandalism?
Schools Community Centres Parks Businesses All of the above

10 Helping to stop vandalism is being a good citizen.

11 Private property is property that is government owned
Private property is any land owned by individuals or businesses other than the government. For example: Your home, a Wal-Mart or Tim Horton’s

12 Encouraging someone to report vandalism is an example of positive peer pressure.

13 What is something that is rarely vandalized?
Community Murals

14 Why do people vandalize?
Anger Frustration Lack of Respect Rebellion All of the above

15 Damaging someone else’s property on purpose is vandalism.

16 Counter-Act is a vandalism prevention presentation.

17 Planting trees and plants is an example of Beautification.

18 Which is not an example of public property?
starbucks schools bus shelters sidewalks Park benches

19 Counter-Acting Vandalism is who’s responsibility?


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