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Levels of cytokines and chemokines in TPL-treated (from ED2) and control (H2O) mice at midgestation (ED10). Levels of cytokines and chemokines in TPL-treated.

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Presentation on theme: "Levels of cytokines and chemokines in TPL-treated (from ED2) and control (H2O) mice at midgestation (ED10). Levels of cytokines and chemokines in TPL-treated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Levels of cytokines and chemokines in TPL-treated (from ED2) and control (H2O) mice at midgestation (ED10). Levels of cytokines and chemokines in TPL-treated (from ED2) and control (H2O) mice at midgestation (ED10). Levels of plasma IFN (A), TNF (B), IL-6 (C), IL-10 (D), and CCL2 (E), as well as placental tissue lysate CCL2 (F) are indicated. The data shown are derived from 10 experimental start days (three to six mice per experiment), which yielded a total of 45 mice. The Kruskal–Wallis test showed significance across the groups for IFN-γ (p = ) and IL-6 (p = ), but pairwise post hoc tests did not. *p < 0.05, **p < ns, not statistically significant. Demba Sarr et al. ImmunoHorizons 2017;1:29-41 Copyright © 2017 The Authors.

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