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Attitudes & habits ENG IV – Day 1.

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1 Attitudes & habits ENG IV – Day 1

2 10 Attitudes of Successful workers
As you read through the article, “sketch through the text” or “annotate.” You could Underline important parts Place a checkmark next to sections that confirm what you already knew Place an exclamation point next to something surprising Draw a thunderbolt next to a WOW moment or an epiphany Place a question mark next to something confusing or something that raises a question in your mind Draw interlocking ovals (chain links) next to something you can relate to Draw a picture of something you think of when you read the article You can come up with your own codes to annotate the text. Above are just suggestions, but you can make the process your own.

3 Let’s discuss What did you mark? Why?
How does this relate to you as a student? What is the difference between an attitude and a habit?

4 7 Habits of Highly effective students
Read “7 Habits of Highly Effective Students” and code it according to your personal strengths and weaknesses. You can use symbols to code like + & - or you could color code (e.g., yellow for strengths & blue for weaknesses). Then, select two of your strengths and two of your weaknesses and write a short reflection on each. Give specific examples; explain why you believe this is true about yourself, why this important, how you became this way, how you’ve tried to improve; etc. Finally, at the bottom of the page, write one personal goal you might set for yourself after reading these articles as you anticipate your senior year and beyond.

5 Hole in our moral ozone Read and annotate “Hole in Our Moral Ozone.”
Why do you think there’s such a contrast between the survey results and the characteristics/habits that research has shown characterize leaders and successful people? Why does the Josephson Institute believe their results to be significant?

6 freewriting On the back of your 7 Habits Reflection Sheet, freewrite in response to the questions below: What is the difference between a hero and a leader? Why does a society need heroes? In an interview between Bill Moyers and Joseph Campbell, Moyers comments, “We seem to worship celebrities today, not heroes.” Do you agree or disagree? Give evidence to support your response.

7 The power of myth You and your partner are going to take turns reading aloud. However, you are not just going to read aloud to each other. At the end of a section, stop for a moment and talk about what you’ve just read. First, the non-reader should summarize the section. Second, you and your partner should decide which information is most important. Finally, discuss your thoughts, feelings, ideas, connections, etc. about the information. Switch readers and then repeat the process for the next section.

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