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Oral Presentation 1 Nov. 10, 2009 BME 272 Senior Design Group 1

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1 Real-time Parathyroid Visualization System for use in Endocrine Surgery
Oral Presentation 1 Nov. 10, 2009 BME 272 Senior Design Group 1 Isaac Pence Advisors: Dean Paras Dr. Mahadevan-Jansen

2 Problem: Inadvertent removal of parathyroid glands during endocrine surgery Resultant conditions hypoparathyroidism and hypocalcemia can cause major health concerns Success primarily dependent upon surgeon experience No methods for visual distinction between similar tissues

3 Develop a real-time visualization system:
Optics lab have determined higher parathyroid autofluorescence compared to other neck tissues Last year’s senior design began to develop system for visualization system Design Criteria: System must be easy to use, requiring little to no training Function in real-time, with intuitive information output Easily integrated into surgical setting

4 Objective: Find-R-Scope from previous Senior design project Idea:
Employ relative thyroid and parathyroid auto-fluorescence to develop a real-time imaging system for use in endocrine surgery Drawbacks: Poor Image quality (low quality lenses) Poor transfer resolution Unwieldy Configuration

5 Solution: IR Viewer Modification
Method: - Diode laser (785nm) to emit excitation wavelength - Improve existing detector interface: - Alter handle configuration to allow reliable support (better integrate in surgical setting) - Add adapter to interface C-mount lenses - Determine optimal coupling of image into CCD - Write LabView VI to compile information - Employ false color for simple user interface - Test with sample tissue and in surgery

6 Goals: - Modify viewer for optimized light throughput
- Create necessary program interface - Verify system in vitro - Update Dean’s IRB to allow data collection in surgical setting

7 Performance Indicators:
Percentage of accurate identifications made when compared to histology and surgeon determination Time required for surgical procedure Cost of implementing system

8 Continuing Work: Modifications are underway to physical design of viewer Upcoming: Determining light throughput for system with different lens attachments Developing software for fluorescence quantification Determine optimal lens configuration and image coupling

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