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Translators & Types of Languages

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Presentation on theme: "Translators & Types of Languages"— Presentation transcript:

1 Translators & Types of Languages

2 Lesson 1

3 Classification of languages
Low-level Written to control the processor directly. Machine code - binary Assembly language - mnemonics All programming languages/instruction have to translated into machine, this happens in various ways (discussed later).

4 Classification of languages
High-level Invented for the convenience of human beings, looks more real languages and each one is designed to tackle a range of problems.

5 Classification of languages
3rd Generation 2nd Generation 1st Generation

6 Student Task - Complete this table in your notebook (slide 3)
Type of language Examples Characteristics Sample instructions Original Purpose High-level Languages SQL Search & maintain databases Low-level Languages To be discussed and reviewed with the class once the allocated time is up.

7 2.5 Translators & Types of Languages
What features should the next generation of programming language have? How does the programmer of the future envisage programming and therefore how should programming languages now be designed? What would be the benefits of programming in a new generation?

8 Lesson 2

9 Assembly Language Often used in embedded systems because it has the following features: Complete control over the hardware allowing easy manipulation of individual components Code can be short and specific to machine which saves memory space.

10 Translating programs into machine code
All programming languages/instruction have to translated into machine, this happens in various ways (discussed now). Uses something called a translator. Assemblers Compiler Interpreter

11 Student Task ( slide ##)
Comparison Compiler Interpreter Description of assemblers: Explanation of compiler: Translating programs into machine code Explanation of interpreter: To be discussed and reviewed with the class once the allocated time is up. Question the group about difference between the three of them.

12 Add a definition for all of the words shown opposite.
Student Task Add a definition for all of the words shown opposite. These must be written in your own words. DO NOT COPY & PASTE!

13 Plenary - Identify the type of language

14 Homework

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