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Welcome to the Y2 Information Evening!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Y2 Information Evening!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Y2 Information Evening!

2 Meet the Staff! Mrs Delamere Miss Healy Mrs Lamb

3 Role of Parents Your role is absolutely crucial to your child’s success this year. Their best can be achieved through: Support with homework Encouraging them to talk about their work Attendance and punctuality

4 Morning Routines Mornings- doors open at 8.45am.
Parents welcome before school, to help change reading book (if necessary) Choose lunch option (child to tell Miss Healy their choice during registration). Parents leave classrooms by 8.55am. Registration begins at 8.55 and closes at 9.00am.

5 Letters Any letters for the office can be given to Miss Healy or Mrs Delamere. Book club money needs to be put in a named envelope or purse, and left in the book club box on Wednesdays. (When up and running again). Weekly info – parents to write on the noticeboard if there is a change to normal going home routines. Please make sure that you have filled in the pink form from the office regarding hometime arrangements. Keep school updated.

6 Organisation Water bottles Read, Write Inc everyday.
Y2 PPA: Thursday morning (Mrs Lamb in class) PE: Activate sessions twice daily. P.E lessons: Monday and Friday. Label everything! Lost property Only one small toy in school, no phones.

7 Home reading books Please hand reading records in on Mondays. The children will earn extra reward card stickers if they have written in this book themselves. It is an easy way for children to practice some short sentences. There is no need to hand your reading record book in on any other day. Change your reading book whenever you need to

8 Home reading Regular reading (everyday if possible). RWI philosophy :
When learning to read it takes three days to read a book. Day 1 – decoding Day 2 – ask questions about the text Day 3 – try to read again with fluency and expression.

9 Homework Reading is on-going homework.
Please encourage children write the titles of the books they read and also their own comments. Homework is set every Tuesday and will be due in by the following Monday. Spelling homework will be given to children in some RWI groups. Children are being assessed on their 100 HFW – we will inform you.

10 Allergies/snacks Please be careful about the food you might send into school. No nuts including nutella. . Milk is available at a small cost. Fruit is available free to all children in Key Stage One.

11 Hometime School finishes at 3.20pm
Children will only be handed over to parent/ guardian, unless written permission given for another adult. If you are running late, please let school know. Please check for reading books, homework (on a Tuesday) and water bottles. Please inform us of change of contact details/ arrangements.

12 Behaviour system / Rewards
Reward points can be earned for good work . Beads given for good behaviour Behaviour system: traffic lights.


14 Reading, Writing and Maths Workshops
Can you indicate when would be a good time for you to attend.

15 Questions?

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