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TITLE 72 pt sans serif font is good,

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1 TITLE 72 pt sans serif font is good,
Presenting Author and Other Authors Department of Biology, Boston University, Boston, MA Heading Size (48-42pt) Body text should be about 28 point or larger for readability. Try not to have too much text as it makes for a “dry” poster . Using a single box for all text within a “slide” (this blue panel) makes for easy formatting. Any oddball symbols should be embedded incase they don’t exist in the font you finally use. Try not to use a lot of different fonts in a poster as it gets confusing. Different areas can be linked by color outline (Part one is red, part two is green). A white background makes life a lot easier for printing. Don’t use colored text as it can be hard to read. Total Board space is 48”high by 36”wide if possible design posters to fit 42”high by 36”wide for a poster that doesn’t require manual trimming. Resize, move boxes to fit your data Use them a design aids Title of box

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