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Social Determinants of Aggression

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Presentation on theme: "Social Determinants of Aggression"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Determinants of Aggression

2 Outlining (learning tip)
Frustration Evidence it facilitates aggression Evidence it does not facilitate aggression Mediating factors Magnitude of Frustration Aggressive Cues Arbitrariness of Frustration Emotional and Cognitive Processes Verbal/Physical Attacks Retaliatory Aggression Why people retaliate Retaliation as a Defensive Strategy Retaliation as Impression Management Characteristics of the Target Sex of Target Race of Target Instigation by other people Obedience Bystanders Words and Actions of Bystanders Presence and Apparent Value of Bystanders

3 Frustration Does frustration lead to aggression?
Evidence it facilitates aggression Evidence it doesn’t facilitate aggression Mediating factors Magnitude of Frustration Aggressive Cues Arbitrariness of Frustration Emotional and Cognitive Processes

4 Verbal/Physical Attacks
Does provocation by other people lead to aggression? Retaliatory Aggression Why people retaliate Retaliation as a Defensive Strategy Retaliation as Impression Management

5 Characteristics of the Target
Do characteristics of the target influence aggression? Sex of Target Race of Target

6 Instigation by Other people
Does instigation by other people lead to aggression? Obedience Bystanders Words and Actions of Bystanders Presence and Apparent Value of Bystanders

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