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France’s Colonization of Algeria

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Presentation on theme: "France’s Colonization of Algeria"— Presentation transcript:

1 France’s Colonization of Algeria
Government Setup Legal Status of Algerians Rise of Resistance and Nationalism

2 France’s Colonial Government
Check your timeline, what was the structure of the government in France? The government in Algeria? What generalizations/observations can you make about France’s colonial government of Algeria?



5 France’s Colonial Government
What analysis can you make about France’s colonial government of Algeria? Evidence?

6 France’s Legal treatment of its Colony
Check your timeline What are significant events in the evolution of the relationship between Africans and colons? What generalizations can you make about the treatment of Africans? Treatment of colons?




10 France’s Legal treatment of its Colony
What generalizations can you make about the treatment of Africans and colons? What are significant events in the evolution of the relationship between Africans and colons? What could be possible variations from the dominant opinion of the time in France?

11 Rise of Resistance in Algeria
What are significant events in the evolution of the African resistance in Algeria? What generalizations can you make about the resistance movement against France? What was the perspective in Paris of the resistance in Algeria?



14 Rise of Resistance in Algeria
What are significant events in the evolution of the African resistance in Algeria? What generalizations can you make about the resistance movement against France? What was the perspective in Paris of the resistance in Algeria?

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