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Rights and expectations

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Presentation on theme: "Rights and expectations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rights and expectations
There are 42 articles in UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Broadly they fall into 4 groups: Survival: life, shelter, clean/safe environment Protection: from violence, drugs, exploitation Development: education, talents, support disability Participation: have a say, join groups, play . 1

2 Rights and expectations
Articles which most relate to your day to day lives a clean and safe environment - Article 24 food, clothing, a safe place to live - Article 27 be protected from being hurt and mistreated - Article 19 help if you are poor or in need - Article 26 protection from any kind of exploitation - Article 36 help if you've been hurt, neglected or mistreated - Article 39 give your opinion and for it to be taken seriously - Article 12 choose your friends and join groups - Article 15 good quality education - Article 28 develop your talents/abilities to the full - Article 29 play and rest - Article 31 . 2

3 Rights and expectations
5 important things to know about your rights: Intrinsic – belong to you Inalienable – cannot be taken away Indivisible – cannot be divided or separated Universal – apply to all children in all situations Unconditional – you do not need to earn them . 3

4 Rights and expectations
5 other things to remember about your rights: Others have rights – we must be rights respecting Best interests – need to be considered Guidance – from teachers, parents, carers Purpose – survival, protection, development, participation Action – speaking up for your rights and those of others . 4

5 Rights and expectations
Our vision: We have heightened expectations that through “Learning and Courtesy” we can all be: Happy and successful learners in an inclusive school Our values: Fairness Perseverance Honesty Tolerance Trust Resilience Ambition Participation Our behaviours: Respect for People: we will consider the health, safety and well being of ourselves and others Respect for Learning: we will be on time, on task, trying our best and achieving success Respect for Community: we will have a positive impact in school, locally and in the wider world 5

6 Rights and expectations
We were the first City secondary to achieve level 1 of RRSA and want to be the first and the only City secondary to achieve level 2 We need you to know about your rights and apply this so that your school is a place where all pupils can feel; safe (survival and protection), included (participation) and successful (development) Recognising how our shared expectations help realise our rights Recognise what we can each do to help others to realise their rights Speak up for our rights and speak out against those who are denying us our rights 6

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