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JEOPARDY Commies Korea Potpouri $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200

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Presentation on theme: "JEOPARDY Commies Korea Potpouri $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200"— Presentation transcript:

1 JEOPARDY Commies Korea Potpouri $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200
HUAC 50s Culture Potpouri $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500


3 100A Question In response to NATO, what nations did Soviet Union form the Warsaw Pact with?

4 100A Answer Eastern European Nations

5 200A Question An American General passed this plan to have European countries strong enough to start buying American goods and fight Communism.

6 200A Answer The Marshall Plan.

7 300A Question What did the Soviet Union do to gain Control over West Berlin?

8 300A Answer Set up a blockade

9 400A Question Name TWO Countries originally in NATO

10 400A Answer Belgium. Canada. Italy Denmark. Luxembourg France
400A Answer Belgium Canada Italy Denmark Luxembourg France Netherlands Norway Portugal U.K U.S.

11 500A Question Who first spoke of the “Iron Curtain”?

12 500A Answer Winston Churchill

13 100B Question Where did the Korean War begin and end?

14 100B Answer The 38th Parallel

15 200B Question In 1950, What event began the conflict on the Korean Peninsula?

16 200B Answer The North Korean Army Invaded South Korea

17 300B Question Why did President Truman fire General MacArthur?

18 300B Answer He was angry that he was obeying his direct orders concerning Korea.

19 400B Question China became involved in the Korean War when what occurred?

20 400B Answer When UN troops reached the Yalu River

21 500B Question What was the policy created by Truman that got the U. S
500B Question What was the policy created by Truman that got the U.S. into the Korean War?

22 500B Answer The Truman Doctrine

23 100C Question What does HUAC stand for?

24 100C Answer House of Un-American Activities Committee

25 200C Question Name a person that was convicted of spying/espionage in America at this time.

26 200C Answer Alger Hiss/ Julius and Ethel Rosenburg

27 300C Question What was a result of the Hollywood Ten Trail?

28 300C Answer Many “took the 5th” -Blacklisted

29 400C Question What was HUAC responsible for??

30 400C Answer Holding hearings with people regarding their possible Communist ties.

31 500C Question What led to McCarthy’s downfall?

32 500C Answer Accusing people in the Military of being Communist.

33 100D Question During the Baby Boom, how often were babies being born?

34 100D Answer Every 7 seconds

35 200D Question This new invention celebrated “traditional” American values?

36 200D Answer the television

37 300D Question This new music became a new symbol of youth culture

38 300D Answer Rock and Roll

39 400D Question The spread of fast food restaurants and drive in movies theaters were a result of the rise of this culture:

40 400D Answer The car culture

41 500D Question What factor contributed to the increase in college degrees earned in the late 1940s?

42 500D Answer The G.I. Bill

43 100E Question Name one thing that went wrong in the Bay of Pig invasion:

44 100E Answer Castro was waiting Not enough air support Heavy equipment lost

45 200E Question This Act allowed for Veterans to receive $$ to go to school and $$ for Homes.

46 200E Answer The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (GI Bill)

47 300E Question Why did Congress increase funding for Science and Math in the 1950s?

48 300E Answer The Space Race…To keep up with Russia

49 400E Question Many people were leaving to the suburbs causing a shift from what region in the U.S.?

50 400E Answer Small Rural Towns

51 500E Question This Executive Order, given by President Truman, desegregated the Military.

52 500E Answer Executive Order 9981.

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