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Gari Revolution Roadmap

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1 Gari Revolution Roadmap
Gari Quality and Consumer Acceptance Working Group

2 Participants Adeseko Michael Agboola Ayodele Bela Teeken
Chyka V Unamma Claude Fauquet Dominique Dufour Hemant Nitturkar James Ekekwachi Nathalie Ebo Peter Kulakow StefanHauser

3 Key Challenges Identified Around Gari Quality and Consumer Acceptance
Poor characterization of suitability of cassava varieties for gari Insufficient definition of standards regarding the typology of gari linked to consumer preferences – Market differentiation Lack of certification system and standards along the value chain

4 1. Poor characterization of suitability of cassava varieties for Gari
What do we know? Physiochemical parameters What are the gaps? Suitability to process Efficiency Preferences Resources to conduct the analysis Evaluation systems by farmer processors How do we move ahead? Conduct desk review of what is currently available Develop properly planned evaluation system Identify varieties adapted to each region for site specific varieties selection Conduct variety testing by farmers and processors Improve production of local farmer varieties suitable for processing. Critical to involve both growers and women processors in this analysis Improve post-harvest physiological deterioration (PPD) related agronomical practices and related to storage and transportation (e.g., pruning, detopping, antifungeel) Key actors that need to be mobilized Growers – mostly men that own the land Women processors Need to identify entity that will coordinate testing and drive this (e.g., private extension agent and/or agrodealers)

5 2. Insufficient definition of standards regarding the typology of gari linked to consumer preferences What do we know? Consumption type affects gari quality e.g., More coarse gari used for eba Ijebu gari for drinks (though reduced now due to sanitary problems with lassa fever) Buyers currently differentiate by taste at the market What are the gaps? No study to understand to consumption patterns and sensory descriptors of gari How do we move ahead? Conduct sensory and pattern consumption studies by region Develop and test new products to test consumer acceptance. Could also test products for different segments as well as their willingness to pay (e.g., women, students etc.) Conduct packaging studies Conduct marketing, communication campaigns Key actors that need to be mobilized Consumers as tasting panels Processors Retailers Food technology university to manage the study School feeding programs

6 3. Lack of certification system and standards along the value chain
What do we know? These are the known existing characteristics for gari that can be evaluated: Four classes of gari by particule size Color Fermentation time There are safety concerns: cyanide, bacterial contamination (lassa fever), aflatoxins What are the gaps? Unsanitary conditions of processing sites How do we move ahead? Defining proper packaging techniques Promote short selling circuits Involve NAFDAC in developing certification process, standard protocols and rules to receive certification seal Key actors that need to be mobilized NAFDAC Consumer Protection Council (CPC) Gari processors groups

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