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Floating Point Hardware and Algorithms

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1 Floating Point Hardware and Algorithms
Ch.3 1/3/2019

2 Review Adder gate level diagram Adder Verilog module
Processing Verilog files using Icarus Verilog Simulation verilog module definition using vvp Floating point representation 1/3/2019

3 Adder Circuit Adder (a,b,cin)  s, cout s = ? cout = ? 1/3/2019

4 Processing Verilog File
Icarus Verilog, vvp are the tools available on cse machines Icarus Verilog compiler: iverilog iverilog is a compiler that translates Verilog source code into executable programs for simulation, or other netlist formats for further processing. The currently supported targets are vvp for simulation vvp is the run time engine that executes the default compiled form generated by Icarus Verilog. The output from the iverilog command is not by itself executable on any plat form. Instead, the vvp program is invoked to execute the generated output file. 1/3/2019

5 Using the Verilog Compiler and Runtime
Design your Verilog module according to the specification given For adder, lets say we have saved the verilog module design in “adder.v” Compile the module definition into a form that can be executed by vvp runtime. iverilog -o adder adder.v Output of iverilog command is stored in file “adder” Run the code to check the output, that is typically generated by the tester code. vvp adder You will see the output on the screen You can also capture into a file to submit it or print it. 1/3/2019

6 Floating point numbers
Why do we need them? To represent very large number and very small number. To represent a larger range of number with a given size in bits. Consider a 4 bit container Consider a 8 bit container Examples: An astronautical unit (Au)is the distance between the earth and the sun in meters. 150,000,000,000 meters Size of Helium atom: 1 angstrom: meters See more details on units of measurement here 1/3/2019

7 FP Representation S Exponent Fraction Value = (-1)S X F X 2 E
32 bit single precision 64 bit double precision IEEE 754 format 1/3/2019

8 FP Addition and Multiplication
Components: operands, ALU, control, comparison, shifters, normalize, round Control ALUs Figures: 3.17, 3.16, 3.18 1/3/2019

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