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Cytokines and Chemokines Chapter 6

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1 Cytokines and Chemokines Chapter 6

2 What are cytokines? Cytokines are low-molecular weight regulatory proteins or glycoproteins secreted by white blood cells and various other cells in the body in response to a number of stimuli Mediate the interactions and communication between immune cells Regulating the development of immune effector cells. They bind to specific receptors on target cells to elicit a specific biological response


4 Action of Cytokines Autocrine Affects the generating cell (self)
Paracrine Affects on neighboring Endocrine Affects cells remote from the secreting cell


6 Action of Cytokines Pleiotropy Redundancy Synergy Antagonism Cascading
Affects multiple cell types Redundancy Multiple cytokines affects cells of the same type Synergy Cytokines acting in concert on the same cell Antagonism Competing actions Cascading Cytokines acting sequentially


8 Cytokine Receptors Ig super family Class I- hematopoietic
Class II-interferon TNF Chemokine





13 Role of Cytokines in Hematopoiesis
SCF (Stem cell factor) GM-CSF (Granulocyte-macrophage colony- stimulating factor) IL-3 (Interleukin 3) IL-5 (Interleukin 5) IL-7 (Interleukin 7) IL-11(Interleukin 11)


15 Cytokines in the Immune Response
Innate immune response IL 1-(Macrophage)-fever, capillary effects IL 6-(Macrophage)-adaptive immunity via B cells IL 12(Macrophage)-adaptive immunity via T helper cells TNF (Macrophage)-capillary effects, activates neutrophils IFN alpha (Macrophage)-multiple effects IFN beta (Fibroblasts)-multiple effects

16 Cytokines in the Immune Response
Adaptive immune response IL 2-(T cells)-multiple effects) IL 4-(T cells & mast cells)-T cell differentiation, IgE production TGF beta –(T cells, macrophages)-inhibits adaptive immune response IFN gamma-(T cells, NK cells)-Macrophage activation


18 Top half of Fig. 2-47

19 Cytokines of T helper Cells


21 Chemokines Chemokines are a family of chemoattractant cytokines (small proteins secreted by cells that influence the immune system) which play a vital role in cell migration classified as chemokines according to behavior and structural characteristics. all approximately 8-10 kilodaltons in mass and have four cysteine residues in conserved locations that are key to forming their 3- dimensional shape. Chemokines have been classified into four main subfamilies: CXC, CC, CX3C and XC. All of these proteins exert their biological effects by interacting with transmembrane receptors called chemokine receptors

22 Some chemokines and their functions

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