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College & Career Planning for Juniors

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1 College & Career Planning for Juniors
Ms. Inouye College & Career Counselor Room H-208 August 30, 31 and Sept. 1, 2017

2 Minimum Recommended 4-year College Admission Requirements:
4 credits English 4 credits Social Studies 3 credits Math+ (Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry) 3 credits Science+ (all lab sciences) 2+ credits Foreign Language 1+ credits Fine/Performing Art *Honors and AP courses are recommended **GPA - as high as possible ***Testing - SAT or ACT and/or SAT: Subject Test

3 Testing – goal is to be done with testing by the end of Junior Year:
ASVAB - military exam; offered twice each school year; sign up now for the Sept. 19 ASVAB; FREE; deadline to register is Sept. 12 in the CCC. PSAT - tickets on sale for Juniors until September 15; $16.00 cash; PSAT administered on October 25th during school starting at 8:00 am SAT Reasoning Test – offered 7 times a year; $60.00 with writing or $46.00 without writing; fee waivers available for free/reduced lunch qualifiers ACT – offered 7 times a year; $62.50 with writing or $46.00 without writing; fee waivers available for free/reduced lunch qualifiers SAT: Subject Test – college specific; fee waivers available FREE/REDUCED Lunch apps must be submitted EVERY YEAR!!!!

4 ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery)
Required if you want to enlist in the military Must be a 10th, 11th or 12th grader Offered twice a year on campus Paper format If you take the ASVAB with a recruiter at MEPS, it is computer based Tested on arithmetic reasoning, word knowledge, paragraph comprehension and math knowledge Guess if you do not know! Do not leave sections blank. Option 8 School – scores NOT released to recruiters If you want your scores released you and parent must sign a release form with each branch Score Highest AFQT score is 99 Each section has an individual score Score report returned two weeks after test date – listen for announcement Recruiters will NOT receive your ASVAB scores DEADLINE to register is Sept. 12, 2017 in the College & Career Center!

5 PSAT on Oct. 25, 2017 at 8:00 am! Juniors need to purchase a PSAT ticket for $16 cash NOW!!!! Deadline to purchase a ticket is Sept. 15. FREE – Great practice for the SAT! Three Sections: Critical Reading Math Writing (Multiple Choice Only) No penalty for incorrect responses. Score of in each section Qualifies Juniors for the National Merit Scholarship program. Score reports distributed in December

6 SAT: Recommend you start taking in Junior Year
Can retake until you achieve your desired score Many colleges take the highest score from different test dates Cost is $46.00 SAT or $60.00 for SAT with Writing Must register ONLINE with credit card and UPLOAD a headshot PHOTO at the time of registration Fee waivers available to free/reduced eligible students Send scores to 4 colleges/scholarship programs for free at time of registration. Additional cost to release score later. TWO Sections: Critical Reading Math OPTIONAL Writing (essay) – Multiple choice plus an essay GUESS if you don’t know. Score of per section. Highest total score: (with Writing). Score reports mailed home to you (if you select this option when registering) Kalaheo High School Code:


8 ACT is coming in February 2018:
The DOE will be paying for all 11th graders to take an ACT with Writing in February 2018. No need to sign up. All Juniors WILL take the test in if the DOE pays for it, saving your parents $62.50! Great opportunity to see your academic strengths and interest inventory matched to careers. Test scores can be used for college admission. Plan ahead and prepare now!

9 ACT Recommend that Juniors start taking the ACT this year.
You will retake it until you achieve your desired score Cost is $46.00 for ACT or $62.50 ACT with writing each time you take test Must register ONLINE with credit card and UPLOAD a headshot PHOTO at the time of registration Fee waivers available to free/reduced eligible students Send scores to 4 colleges/scholarship programs for free at time of registration. Additional cost to release score later. Five sections English Reading Math Science Writing (essay is optional) but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED GUESS if you don’t know. Don’t leave any blank. Score of 1-36 per section. Score reports mailed home to you Kalaheo High School Code:


11 SAT Subject Test Take only if your college/university requires it
Can take up to three subject tests in one test sitting Cost Registration fee PLUS Additional costs per subject test – Can take up to three subject tests in the same day Fee waivers available to free/reduced eligible students Send scores to 4 colleges/scholarship programs for free at time of registration. Additional cost to release score later. Subjects English Literature Math Levels 1 and 2 History – US History and World History Science – Biology, Chemistry, Physics Foreign Languages – with or without listening Score of per subject Score reports mailed home to you. Kalaheo High School Code:

12 Test Prep: FREE Online Prep: SAT –
ACT – SAT and ACT prep classes offered NOW and in Spring 2018 – listen for announcements on morning news or pick up a registration form TODAY!

13 Get involved ! Participate in activities in school or out of school
Join a club Join a sports team Get a part-time job Volunteer in the community Involve yourself at your church Stay busy! Colleges are looking for students who are involved and demonstrate leadership! Keep your activities log updated for your PTP. Turn your activities log into a RESUME. Resume sample available.

14 Is college athletics for you?
NCAA Div. 1 and 2 Athletics 16 Core Courses: 4 years English 3 years Math (Algebra 1 and higher) 2 years Science (minimum of 1 lab science) 1 year additional English, Math or Science 2 years Social Studies 4 years of additional courses (from any area above or foreign language) Must complete 10 of the 16 courses prior to the 7th semester (before the beginning of senior year) to PLAY. SAT or ACT score depending on your 16 core grade point average Register at before the end of senior year. Bring in Forms 1 & 2 for transcript processing. Send SAT or ACT score directly from testing agency to Clearinghouse Fee waiver available if you are eligible for an SAT or ACT fee waiver NAIA Athletics – must register with NAIA to compete


16 Is NCAA Division 1 or 2 athletics for you?
Check out the academic requirements!


18 Work Permits and Job Board:
16 years or older Apply online at: After applying online, the work permit will be ed to you to print. Take the work permit and a form of ID (Driver’s License, State of Hawaii ID card, Military ID, or Birth Certificiate) to the employer for verification. 14 or 15 years old Completed a Minor’s Certificate of Employment Form with boss and parent signatures AND one of the forms of identification listed above Job Opportunities Board - check out regularly

19 College Search Process:
Search for College(s): Use college/university websites: Attend college presentations in the CCC. Lots of visitors! Attend the Christian College Fair on Oct. 21, 2017 at Hawaii Baptist Academy NACAC College Fair on October 23, 2017 and in April at the Hawaii Convention Center.

20 College Examples: California State University Schools:
Priority application window is Oct. 1 - Nov. 30 of Senior Year Courses, grades, and SAT or ACT scores need to meet criteria at time of application Need 14 core courses plus art and a recalculated GPA in grades 10-11 University of California Schools: Priority application window is Nov of Senior Year Courses, grades, SAT or ACT, SAT Subject Test scores need to meet criteria at time of application University of Hawaii at Manoa: Priority application window is Jan. 5 of Senior Year Courses, GPA, SAT or ACT scores need to meet criteria at time of application Need 17 core courses

21 College & Career Info: College & Career Center Newsletter - printed monthly Morning News - daily Bulletin Notices - printed twice a week Kalaheo Webpage – and Click on College & Career Link


23 What next? REMIND app SAT Prep Class – pick up form and sign up NOW
Class of 2018: Text to 81010, Class of 2019: Text to 81010, SAT Prep Class – pick up form and sign up NOW ACT Prep Class – pick up form and sign up NOW ASVAB – sign up NOW Register for SAT and/or ACT online DO NOT USE YOUR GMAIL on any COLLEGE, SCHOLARSHIPS, or out of school stuff!!!

24 Questions??? See Ms. Inouye in the CCC

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