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Academic Planning for 7th Grade

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1 Academic Planning for 7th Grade

2 HS Graduation Requirements

3 High School Courses for Credit
A high school credit is earned by taking and passing a high school level class Students may begin earning high school credits in 7th grade High school level courses which may be taken in middle school include: High school languages beginning in 7th grade High school level math starting with Algebra World Geography (the 8th grade Social Studies course) Investigating Computer Science Technology of Robotic Design (8th grade only)

4 High School Courses for Credit
You will have the option at the end of each year to decline the credit AND the grade so that it is not included on the High School transcript or in the GPA Students planning to pursue an IB Diploma at W&L need to start a language in 7th (Spanish, French, Chinese, or Latin) A verified credit is earned by passing the End of Course (EOC) SOL test. EOC SOLs are taken upon completion of certain high school credit core courses

5 HS Standard Diploma Requirements

6 HS Advanced Diploma Requirements



9 Classes Students Will Take
Seventh graders take four core subjects: English Life Science History, Civics, and Economics 1865 to Present Math (teacher will make recommendations at end of the year) Math 7 Pre-Algebra for 7th Graders Intensified Algebra I All students will take PE/Health

10 What a Typical Day Looks Like
Period Length Class 40 minutes TA/Wolf Time 1 42 minutes 2 3 4 Elective 5 Lunch 6 7

11 WOLF TIME Flexible block in the day that will provide a variety of meaningful experiences Individual student needs can be addressed on Pass Days Elective lessons including social and academic support will also be available

12 Choosing Classes Students will have two elective periods
They may be filled with: Two year long classes OR One year long class and two semester classes Four semester classes

13 World Languages Foreign languages offered to 7th graders: French I
Latin I Spanish I Spanish I Intensified (teacher recommendation required) Spanish for Fluent Speakers (placement test required) Arabic I Chinese I Arabic and Chinese are offered via distance learning Language classes meet all year and earn high school credit

14 Exploratory Elective Classes
Seventh grade exploratory courses that are offered for a SEMESTER include: Visual Art Theatre Arts Digital Input Technologies Inventions and Innovations Teen Living New Media Journalism

15 Exploratory Elective Classes
Seventh grade exploratory courses that are offered for a YEAR include: Guitar Chorus Orchestra Band Investigating Computer Science (HS credit, may be taken in 7th or 8th grade)

16 ACT II ACT II classes are offered after school
The ACT II space on the CRF is just to gauge interest Actual sign-ups for these classes will happen at the beginning of each semester



19 Friday, February 2, 2018 NO LATER than
The Program Of Studies (POS) can be found on the APS website content/uploads/2017/12/Middle-School-POS FINAL.pdf CRF’s are due to your counselor NO LATER than Friday, February 2, 2018

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