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Board Self-Assessment: May 2013 Benchmark Report NCMA Governance Committee Penny White, Chair.

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Presentation on theme: "Board Self-Assessment: May 2013 Benchmark Report NCMA Governance Committee Penny White, Chair."— Presentation transcript:

1 Board Self-Assessment: May 2013 Benchmark Report NCMA Governance Committee Penny White, Chair

2 1 Survey 4th year using this survey 23 surveys distributed; 19 surveys completed (83% response rate) Performance of the Board Nine (9) areas of board responsibility Compare our responses to association benchmarks, and our data from last year

3 2 Survey Results 9 areas measured 1.Mission 2.Strategy 3.Public Image and Advocacy 4.Board Composition 5.Program Oversight 6.Financial Oversight 7.CEO Oversight 8.Board Composition 9.Meetings

4 3 Bench: 2.97 2013: 2.91 2012: 3.22 2011: 3.27

5 4 Comments on 1. Mission Tie the goals of each committee to the mission; focus primarily on the strategic More insight on emerging professionals and continual assessment of member needs Need to address the budget realities over the next two years Discuss status of all committees/working groups instead of agreeing to a consent agenda

6 5 Bench: 2.80 2013: 2.40 2012: 2.90 2011: 3.06

7 6 Comments on 2. Strategy Substantive progress is slow on some committees and accountability to the board is nonexistent Need to indicate where we are and where we want to go to track progress Need to understand the changing environment and the current needs of our members; what value does NCMA provide to its members? Board meetings and committee meetings need more focus

8 7 Bench: 2.84 2013: 2.47 2012: 2.87 2011: 3.11

9 8 Comments on 3. Public Image and Advocacy More board presence at chapter events Need open dialogue between the Board, Executive Director, and members Solicit suggestions from members on how to improve public image and advocacy The role of the Board and the Executive Director could be clearer. Sometimes in the BOD meetings it feels like the Board is at too low a level when Mike is briefing, but the committees under the Board charter essentially get a pass because the briefings are part of the consent agenda.

10 9 Bench: 2.73 2013: 2.65 2012: 3.12 2011: 3.21

11 10 Comments on 4. Board Composition Better transition and orientation for new board members Some board members are underutilized Some committees are not accomplishing any goals Concern about the election process for Board members. The Board does not elect directors, rather a committee elects new directors and the Board approves it. Should we change the bylaws to reflect this?

12 11 Bench: 2.79 2013: 2.56 2012: 3.16 2011: 3.34

13 12 Comments on 5. Program Oversight Not getting enough feedback from members on their needs and training gaps NCMA could fill Need to do more to assess members needs Review the effectiveness of current programs Begin each program year with a comprehensive review of the Associations programs and areas of emphasis for the new year

14 13 Bench: 3.08 2013: 3.20 2012: 3.71 2011: 3.59

15 14 Comments on 6. Financial Oversight Sam and the staff are doing an excellent job Board has good insight into the financials and internal controls

16 15 Bench: 2.93 2013: 2.68 2012: 2.62 2011: 3.17

17 16 Comments on 7. CEO Oversight Formally assessing the Executive Directors performance is difficult. Believe some of these activities are not apparent to the full board or that the Board is not part of determining Executive Directors compensation We are coming out of a transition period and should take time to ensure proper policies are in place and tested with the new Executive Director.

18 17 Bench: 2.91 2013: 2.83 2012: 3.27 2011: 3.44

19 18 Comments on 8. Board Structure Governance committee has done great work reviewing structure Some committees have no accountability and goals/tasks stretch indefinitely Concern that some board members are promoting themselves during board activities Continue to ensure committee work doesnt conflict with staff work

20 19 Bench: 3.04 2013: 2.92 2012: 3.34 2011: 3.44

21 20 Comments on 9. Meetings Get rid of deadwood Meetings are inclusive Not all board members are fully utilized

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