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Cris Cambianica: they/them/their

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Presentation on theme: "Cris Cambianica: they/them/their"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cris Cambianica: they/them/their
Gender & Beyond: LGBTQIA+ STUDENTS IN THE COLLEGE SEARCH PROCESS Everett Nelor: he/him/his Cris Cambianica: they/them/their Will be using “queer” as umbrella term, but will probe audience’s comfort level

2 Road Map Defining Terms Talking to LGBTQIA+ Your Students
Resources to Find State Legal Climate & Context College Resources Action Items

3 Lesbian [sexual orientation]
Gay [sexual orientation] Bisexual [sexual orientation] Transgender [gender/sex ] Queer [gender/sex/sexual orientation] Intersex [sex] Distinction between gender and sexual orientation here Does anyone have any questions about the alphabet or the difference between gender and sexuality, any of these terms, or how to use them? Asexual [sexual orientation]

4 Queer/Trans: Key Gender Terms
Cisgender: having a gender that matches that assigned at birth Genderqueer terms (not cis): Transgender (trans): having a gender that does not correspond to that on your birth certificate Non-binary: having a gender that is not dichotomously male or female Gender non-conforming: having a gender that does not conform to societal expectation Possible overlap of terms/don’t guess what identity transsexual--NOOOO

5 Talking to Students 101: Pronouns
Use the correct pronouns for everyone -How to use singular they pronouns -How to correct yourself if you mess up Revise gendered language-- not just pronouns! (e.g. “Men & Women” vs. People) Naming our pronouns with students

6 Talking to Students 202: Gender Assumptions
Don’t assume sexuality/gender -- that includes bodies! Don’t imply that there are only 2 genders Don’t ask the status of transition/questions about bodies/surgery (Not everyone transitions medically/experiences similar dysphoria) Don’t “out” a student: listen for cues if you don’t know if they’re “out” Don’t assume gender based on physical appearance or your gendered expectations; don’t assume where someone is in their transition asking/assuming about specific medical procedures Public facing events & inclusion Terrible questions (i.e. what was your old name): Terms Social barriers Financial barriers

7 HRC Interactive Map for Legal Climate
s/USTSCAStateReport%281017%29.pdf -See CA trans survey results--even as the state with the most legal protections, problems still arise

8 Regional Climate of Colleges

9 College Resource Considerations

10 Residence Halls & Bathrooms
Gender neutral bathrooms? (or single-stall) Gender-neutral housing students/staff will feel comfortable in?


12 Campus Healthcare Access healthcare (medical/counseling/surgery & hormones) via outside or campus health insurance ?

13 Campus Non-Discrimination Policies
Will their name and pronouns be respected? (faculty, class registration, student IDs, transcript, diploma) How would a misconduct case be handled? Legal name vs preferred name Legal sex & housing

14 Campus Climate Is there an LGBTQIA+ community? And other clues (tours, overnights, mission statements, etc) How welcoming is the rest of the community? Are there LGBTQIA+ staff/faculty? Will there be mentors? Access to athletics & other gender-specific extracurriculars?

15 Institutional Support
Is there an LGBTQIA resource guide on their website? Is there a resource center for LGBTQIA+ students? Are there awareness weeks or peer mentoring programs?

16 College Application Process
Student may/may not out themselves in application or to Admission Officer LGBTQIA+ identity may be primary consideration or unimportant> listen Don’t “out” them based on disclosed information Student may need to connect to residence halls/registrar upon enrolling

17 Action Items/Homework
Admission Counselors: - know your college campus’ resources and that of surrounding city - understand financial and social barriers during holistic file review - introduce yourself with pronouns and respect others’ - continue to self-educate High School Counselors: - know how to research college and state resources for trans/gnc students - introduce yourself with pronouns and respect others’ - continue to self-educate Poll the audience for action items


19 Thank you! Questions? us for slides or more resources! We love to share these! &

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