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Mobility and Driver Education Chapter One Responsible Driving

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1 Mobility and Driver Education Chapter One Responsible Driving

2 Mobility The ability to move or be moved efficiently

3 Skills and Rules Skills – manage visibility, time, space, become aware of limiting factors. Rules – knowledge How to interpret traffic rules, rules of the road, signs and signals and roadway markings How personality, emotions and maturity affect your driving

4 Rules con’t How alcohol and other drugs affect your ability to drive & knowledge of their penalties Awareness of limiting factors for yourself and your vehicle How your vehicle works

5 Emergencies Crash: when a motor vehicle hits another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, bicyclist, or fixed object Awareness of what to do in emergency situations to decrease potential dangers Awareness of factors that lead to emergency situations because they limit your abilities to drive safely

6 Limiting Factors Feeling of being invincible, driving while ill, effects of emotions on driving, effects of alcohol or drugs while driving Young drivers: less experience, more mistakes with speed, less attention, more passengers, more distractions, weaker skills in visual searches, space management.

7 Teen Over-Representation in crashes
15-20yrs. Make-up 7% of drivers 15-20yrs. Make-up 14% of crashes each year Lack of experience Driving- time of day Passengers Speed, Poor visual search, Ignore protective devices $16 Billion economic losses yearly 10,000 deaths, hundreds of thousands injured yearly

8 Teen Driver Crashes National Crashes Are the #1 Killer of Teens
TALKING POINTS Describe the following Mission & Program Goals: MISSION Saving the Lives of Teen Drivers. Compelling national/ and state teen driver statistics show that the #1 killer of teens is motor vehicle crashes that claim nearly 6,000 lives each year. GOALS: This Parental Behavioral Modification Approach to teen driving supports the following: Increased practice driving hours, Enforcement of GDL restrictions with emphasis on curfew and passenger restrictions, Promotion of shared vehicle access Teen Driver Crashes National Crashes Are the #1 Killer of Teens 6,000 Deaths Every Year, 16 per Day At Highest Level of Risk During First Months NHTSA, 2009 NHTSA, 2009 8 8

9 Teen Driver Crashes New Jersey Every 10 Minutes a Teen Crashes
TALKING POINTS Identify How The Mission and Goals Are Accomplished: We Empower Parents to Become Involved in Their Teen’s Driving Experience Help Them To: Understand the Importance of Lots of Varied Supervised Driving and Monitoring During the First Year of Driving – New requirement is 50 hours of supervised driving Set Rules During the First Year; Gradually Introducing New Privileges – CHOP evidence confirmed that teens perceive a hierarchy of increasing danger of some factors. If they see it often, they may assume that it carries little risk. Be a Role Model – NHTSA confirmed that parents are driving role models from the birth of their children Help Them to Communicate in a Way That Teens Will Be Receptive to Their Guidance - We will work on this together on a few practice exercises that involve both parents and teens. Understand the GDL – Now we’re going to work on better understanding the GDL requirements here in New Jersey. Teen Driver Crashes New Jersey Every 10 Minutes a Teen Crashes Over 400 Teen Drivers/Passengers Killed (‘01-08) 6% of Driving Population NJDHTS, 2009 9 9

10 Highway Transportation System
4 million miles of roadways 230 million vehicles 194 million licensed drivers 55 million pedestrians and bicyclists Federal, State and Local governments regulate the HTS Highway Numbering system can tell you the direction you are traveling: Odd #’s run North/South Even #’s run East/West *

11 Risks of Driving Crash risk- 1 in 9 Disabling injury risk- 1 in 83
# 1 cause of death ages 15-20yrs. 85% of Deaths are First accident 57% of fatal Crashes involve only one car

12 Highway Transportation System (HTS)
Roads Side streets, highways, parkways Vehicles Small and large cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles Human Beings Responsible and not responsible

13 ***All work together to regulate the HTS***
HTS Regulations ***All work together to regulate the HTS*** *Federal: establishes rules all states must follow *State: establishes highway speed limits and enforces state regulations *Local: establishes and enforces speed limits and other traffic laws

14 Reducing Risk Keep vehicle in top condition
Anticipate actions of others Protect yourself and others Drive only when physically and mentally able Develop good driving skills

15 Foundations of Effective Driving
Searching and giving meaning Understanding options and choices Mastering basic driving skills

16 Visibility Time and Space
Visibility: to see and be seen. Less visibility=more risk Time: judge your speed and other vehicles speed. How long it takes to stop or intersect paths. Space: refers to distance. Margin of space between you and other vehicles when you drive.

17 Continued Space cushion: space all around your vehicle give you a way out – escape route Visibility, time & space ARE CRUICAL ELEMENTS in safe responsible driving and reducing risks as you drive.

18 Driving Costs Crash costs- more than $230 billion yearly
- Most Important DEATHS & INJURIES - Fixing Wrecked vehicles, cleaning up after crash, repairing property, caring for injured, burial costs Non-crash costs Operating costs- gas, oil, tires Fixed costs- car, insurance, licensing fees Environmental costs- air pollution, hazardous waste dumping, urban-sprawl

19 Driving Costs Con’t Cost-Benefit Ration-
choices to reduce the risk of crash choices to protect you if a crash occurs

20 Personal Electronic Device Activity
On Google : Type in Responsible Driving online Click on: Responsible Driving – Higher Ed In Student Center Under Chapter Activity click: Practice Driving Test Next Unit Resources Click UNIT Chapter Activity Click – Chapter 1 Click on: Practice Driving Test, Answer Questions (10) Submit answer

21 COMPLETE Practice Test
Answer all Questions, check answers CLICK SUBMIT Your Results will be on top LEAVE SCORE VISIBLE TO BE RECORDED Leave devise on desk for Ms. Diller to record your score. Continue Reading Chapter 2 Administrative and Traffic Laws

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