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Pick up worksheet from front table and glue into notebook.

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Presentation on theme: "Pick up worksheet from front table and glue into notebook."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pick up worksheet from front table and glue into notebook.
Objective: 02/22/2013 Describe how relative humidity is affected by temperature and levels of water vapor. Intro Pick up worksheet from front table and glue into notebook. Weekly WS #24: What is humidity?

2 Water in the Air

3 Water in the Air Humidity Amount of water vapor in the air

4 **Warm air holds more water than cold air**

5 Water in the Air Relative humidity
The amount of water vapor that is in the air compared to the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold at a certain temperature Expressed as a percentage

6 Water in the Air Factors Affecting Relative Humidity Example:
Amount of water vapor Temperature More water vapor in air… … higher the relative humidity As temperature increases… …relative humidity decreases

7 Water in the Air Measuring Relative Humidity Psychrometer
Consists of two thermometers Wet-bulb thermometer Dry-bulb thermometer Difference in temperature readings indicate amount of water vapor in the air

8 Water in the Air How a Wet-Bulb Thermometer Works
Wet-bulb thermometer covered with a damp cloth If water evaporates quickly, relative humidity is low If water evaporates slowly, relative humidity is high

9 Difference

10 Water in the Air Dry Bulb Temp. – Wet Bulb Temp. = Difference #
Match Dry Bulb Temp. & Difference # on Relative Humidity chart Where the two numbers meet is the relative humidity %

11 Dry-Bulb Temp = 40 Wet-Bulb Temp = 35 Difference? Relative Humidity?
61% Dry-Bulb Temp = 60 Wet-Bulb Temp = 56 Difference? 4 Relative Humidity? 78%

12 Water in the Air Condensation Dew Point Gas  liquid
Can only happen when the air is saturated Relative humidity = 100% Temperature at which gases condenses into liquid

13 SUMMARY What is humidity? What tool measures relative humidity?
Explain how a wet-bulb thermometer works. How is dew point related to condensation?

14 How much humidity would a desert have? (high or low) Explain.
Objective: 2/22/2013 Describe how relative humidity is affected by temperature and levels of water vapor. Outro How much humidity would a desert have? (high or low) Explain.

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