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Controlling QCLs for Frequency Metrology from the Mid-IR to the THz range Paolo De Natale IQCLSW 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Controlling QCLs for Frequency Metrology from the Mid-IR to the THz range Paolo De Natale IQCLSW 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Controlling QCLs for Frequency Metrology from the Mid-IR to the THz range
Paolo De Natale IQCLSW 2018

2 The Playground Relatore: Nome relatore Evento: Nome evento

3 Why mid-Infrared Molecular fingerprint region
Fundamental ro-vibrational transitions of simple molecules Scaling linestrengths with respect to the visible and near-IR spectral regions Mid-IR frequency combs, narrow-linewidth laser sources

4 The mid-IR Toys Mid infrared coherent sources QCLs (and ICLs)
High-power ~ 1 MHz linewidth limited tunability Nonlinear sources (DFG, OPO) widely tunable low power (DFG), high power (OPO) Intrinsically metrological (DFG) Key light sources for mid infrared sensing and spectroscopy come from Material Science Research: nonlinear sources on one hand, semiconductor devices like Interband and Quantum Cascade Lasers on the other hand.

5 The Frequency Comb Synthesizer

6 Back to the beginnings of Frequency Combs: the role of phase
Bellini&Hänsch Opt. Lett. 25, 1049 (2000)

7 Infrared frequency combs
Classical visible/near-infrared frequency combs: Alternative: Ti:Sa bulky OFC Fiber OFC microresonator Relatore: Dimensions: cm C2-cascaded very promising: PRA 91, (2015) PRL 121, (2018) Nome relatore Methods for generating IR-combs: - nonlinear frequency conversion - quantum cascade lasers Evento: QCL-comb OPO DFG

8 Difference Frequency Generation - DFG

9 The Source: DFG in PP-Crystals

10 Referencing a 3-μm source to a MIR comb
Maddaloni et al., New J. Phys. 8, 262 (2006) Malara et al. Opt. Express 16, 8242 (2008) Alternative approach using dual-branch Er-doped pulsed fiber laser: Gambetta et al. Opt.Lett. 33, 2671 (2008)

11 Intracavity DFG mid-IR Comb as direct spectroscopic source
Our approach: intracavity DFG NIR-comb: mode-locked Ti:Sa with fr ≈ 1 GHz Bandwidth = 27 nm Tunability = 4.2 – 5.0 μm Power = 0.5 mW Galli et al., Opt. Express 21, (2013).

12 A “simple” Comb-Assisted DFG Setup

13 Cavity-Enhanced Saturation Spectroscopy
CO2 (0001−0000) R(56) saturated-absorption line at cm−1 D. Mazzotti, et al., Opt. Lett. 30 , 997 (2005) uncertainty of 800 Hz (10-11) in the absolute frequency Main limitation comes from transit time

14 Pushing up Sensitivity by Cavity Enhancement
4.5 mm FSR = 150 MHz

15 Coupling IR radiation into an enhancement cavity
Cavity width is 9 kHz (measured with cavity ring-down technique)‏ Cavity drift is about 1 kHz/s measured FWHM: 16 kHz 5 ms)‏ 28 kHz 2.4 s)‏ 34 kHz 24 s)‏ 270 kHz 240 s)‏ Appl. Phys.B 102, (2011)

16 A smart DFG link to Comb I. Galli et al., Optics Express 17, 9582 (2009) ‏ original scheme proposed by Telle et al., Appl. Phys. B (2002))

17 Narrowing the IR linewidth
Intrinsic IR linewidth is ~ 10 Hz Integrated IR linewidth is ~ 1 kHz 1 ms) Ultra-stable, widely tunable and absolutely linked mid-IR coherent source I. Galli et al., Optics Express 17, 9582 (2009)‏

18 Comb-assisted QCL set-up
Spectroscopy Sum frequency generation: Nd:YAG power on PPLN Crystal: 1.2 W QC Laser power on PPLN Crystal: 2.0 mW Generated 858 nm: 7 mW Beat-note detection: 858 nm: 7 mW Laser Diode power: 100 uW Beat-note amplitude: -35 dBm; SNR = 45 dB

19 Absolute frequency measurements on CO2
Doppler Spectroscopy Sub-Doppler Spectroscopy 13CO2 ( ) P(30) 12CO2 ( ) P(30) kHz-level precision on dip-center frequency determination nc = ± 2 MHz S. Bartalini et al., Opt. Lett. 32, 988 (2007) S. Borri et al., Opt. Express 16, (2008)

20 Measuring the QCL’s frequency-noise: principle
amplitude fluctuations Frequency-noise power spectral density molecular absorption frequency fluctuations The discriminator has its own frequency response.

21 Observing QCL Intrinsic Linewidth
Williams et al., Opt. Lett. 24, 1844 (1999) S. Bartalini et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 , (2010) “The intrinsic limits of Quantum-Cascade Lasers” Physics Today , p.20, (May 2010) Myers et al., Opt. Lett. 27, 170 (2002)

22 …but linewidth likes it hot!
1/f noise 200 times lower Intrinsic linewidth: 260 Hz (four times lower) Current noise from driver more important Collaboration with Hamamatsu Photonics For state-of the–art, see Bartalini presentation, this afternoon Borri et al., IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 47, 984 (2011)

23 Linewidth Results for THz QCLs
THz QCLs are suitable for metrological grade experiments! f<10 kHZ: Excess noise not arising from the current driver 10 kHZ< f<10 MHz The current noise from the driver is dominant f>10MHz White noise: intrinsic LW Dn = p Nw ~ 90 Hz Vitiello, M. S. et al. Quantum-limited frequency fluctuations in a terahertz laser. Nat. Photon. 6, 525–528 (2012).

24 How to calculate the Free-running Linewidth
100-ms linewidth: ~ 1.3 MHz 1-ms linewidth: ~ 70 kHz - Elliot et al., “Extracavity band-shape and bandwidth modification”, Phys. Rev. A 26, 12 (1982) - Di Domenico et al., “Simple approach to the relation between laser frequency noise and laser line shape”, Appl. Opt. 49, 4801 (2010)

25 The importance of a low-noise current supply
How large can be the current-noise contribution to the laser linewidth? 250 MHz 1 MHz 25 kHz Relatore: Nome relatore Evento: Nome evento

26 Ultra-narrow laser linewidth
by frequency-locking to a stable reference (molecular sub-Doppler feature)... Doppler-free polarization spectroscopy with a quantum cascade laser at 4.3 mm S. Bartalini et al. Optics Express 17, 7440 (2009)‏ … or by phase-locking to a near-IR frequency comb.

27 Injection Locking: the setup

28 Injection Locking: the FNPSD
Power spectra calculated from the FNPSD FWHM DFG 21 kHz Injection-locked QCL 49 kHz Free-running QCL 2.3 MHz

29 A CaF2 WGMR for mid-IR applications
CaF2 toroidal WGMR 3.6 mm diameter --> FSR= mm Coupling: Al2O3 (sapphire) prisms Q-factor ~2 x 1.5 mm (F=250k) ~4 x 107 @ 4.3 mm (F=11k) ~100 ns, L=20 m 1.55 mm laser (Koheras, 4 kHz linewidth) 80kHz mode width

30 QCL frequency locking Optical self-injection locking
Electronic locking DFB 4.3 mm (Hamamatsu) 700 mA threshold, 10 mW low-noise home-made current driver M. Siciliani, S. Borri et al., Laser and Photonics Reviews 10, 153 (2016)

31 Measuring the laser frequency noise
Free-running QCL: 700 kHz FWHM (1 s timescale) Locked QCL: 15 kHz FWHM (1 s timescale) 10 kHz (1 ms) M. Siciliani, S. Borri et al., Laser and Photonics Reviews 10, 153 (2016)

32 QCLs: noise suppression
Three techniques: Bartalini et al., PRL 104, (2010) Opt. Lett. 37, 1011, (2012) Opt. Expr. 37, 4811 (2012) Optical injection locking Phase lock Frequency lock Reference Comb-referenced DFG source Molecular absorption line Linewidth 48 kHz 500 Hz 760 Hz excess noise Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, (2013) Intrinsic linewidth: inter-subband transition limit CO2 high resolution spectroscopy The results noise reduction Molecular Physics, 111, (2013)

33 Accuracy improvement of absolute frequency measurements
From Doppler-limited direct-absorption spectroscopy with a free running QCL To Sub-Doppler saturated-absorption spectroscopy with a comb-assisted QCL accuracy improved by more than 3 orders of magnitude

34 QEPAS signal is proportional to the optical power
Intracavity QEPAS QEPAS signal is proportional to the optical power merging QEPAS with Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy QTF 4.3 μm Mode-matching Lens See V. Spagnolo talk on Thursday

35 Intracavity QEPAS-Results
background due to CO2 absorption in air path, removed by lorentzian fit sensitivity improved by a factor 250 with respect to standard QEPAS good linearity with concentration 300 ppt detection limit on CO2 (linestrength ~ cm/mol) with 10 seconds averaging time S.Borri et al., Intracavity quartz-enhanced photoacoustic sensor, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, (2014)

36 Molecular sensing at parts-per-quadrillion (10-15)
Saturated Absorption Cavity Ringdown-SCAR set-up

37 Linear Cavity Ringdown/Serial measurements vs….
absorption cell Fabry-Perot Cavity Fast Photodiode Laser AOM ADC ca Measurement of the Cavity Ring Down time variations P Cavity output Power t off-abs. decay time t on-abs decay time gc cavity decay rate gg gas abs. decay rate L cavity length R mirror reflectivity A other abs. losses a absorption coefficient

38 Nonlinear Cavity Ringdown/Simultaneous measurements: Saturated absorption Cavity Ringdown-SCaR
I<IS gC I>IS empty cavity + gas absorption gC + gg like empty cavity Slope increase from region A to B is proportional to the absorption coefficient and hence to the gas concentration G. Giusfredi et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, (2010)

39 SCAR: the resolution Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 110801 (2010)
transition of 17OCO 100 mW Power 250 kHz Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, (2010)

40 Measuring Radiocarbon dioxide at parts-per-quadrillion (10-15)
modern sample T = 170 K P = 12 mbar 3 scans, 11 minutes 14N216O ( ) Q(12)e 14C16O2 ( ) P(20) Optica, (2016) A CNR-Italy spin-off company now commercializes compact trace-gas sensors based on this technology:

41 Repeatability CO2 P= 13 mbar T= 170 K
Repeatability over 4 different days Theory: JOSAB 32, 2223 (2015) Experiment: Optica 3, 385 (2016) Single measurement time = 12 min Precision ~3% on natural abundance Total averaging time = 16 h Precision ~ 0.35% on natural abundance (4 ppq)

42 Moving deeper into the (Far) Infrared

43 Outlook: two parallel approaches to THz metrology
Optical Frequency Comb Near-IR Optical Frequency COMB Near-IR Optical Frequency COMB THz Frequency COMB Characterization and stabilization of THz cw sources: Down Conversion THz QCLs THz QCL combs THz spectroscopy Stabilization and referencing of near-IR cw sources Down Conversion Comb-based Metrological-grade cw THz source for THz spectroscopy THz light Pump Source(s) Down Conversion DFG generation in a surface linear waveguide Diapositiva introduttiva con animazioni. Ricordarsi di integrare i contenuti (puntini di sospensione)!

44 A THz Frequency Comb Nome relatore Total power = 1 mW
Usually employed for THz TDS, but… About 70-80% of the QCL power effectively phase-locked S/N = 50 dBm (1 Hz – RBW) Electronic Bandwidth = 200 kHz P = 250 mW ≈ 13 ns = 77.5 MHz Pump laser: <1 ps Nome relatore THz QCL Total power = 1 mW Power per tooth = 30 pW Evento: zero-CEO frequency 6-octaves-spanning COMB (more than teeth) Nome evento L. Consolino et al., Nat. Comm. 3, 1040 (2012).

45 THz comb-referenced spectroscopy
THz-comb-assisted Spectroscopy n0 = (10) THz Precise determination of the line center Comparison with state-of-the-art alternative techniques: S/N > 100 expected error on nc: ~ 10 kHz Transition linewidth ~ MHz (FWHM) Doppler limited spectroscopy S. Bartalini et al, Phys. Rev. X 4, (2014).

46 QCLs linked to the primary frequency standard
Mid-IR optical reference  Towards a full stabilization of the WGMR Insero et al., Optics Letters 41, (2016)

47 Measuring CO* frequencies at 11 digits accuracy
Insero et al., Scientific Reports 7, (2017)

48 Thank you for your attention!
The Team FIRENZE Paolo De Natale Saverio Bartalini Simone Borri Giulio Campo Francesco Cappelli Luigi Consolino Michele De Regis Iacopo Galli Giovanni Giusfredi Davide Mazzotti Pablo Cancio Pastor Thank you for your attention! The CNR-INO startup company ( that provided the Ultralow-noise current drivers for powering the QCLs NAPOLI Saverio Avino Maurizio De Rosa Gianluca Gagliardi Pasquale Maddaloni Pietro Malara Simona Mosca Maria Parisi Iolanda Ricciardi

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